Topic: HEVC (x265)


If i install SVP I can't play movies encoded by x265/h.265/HEVC - black screen, only soundtrack. Than if I install K-Lite codec pack (without uninstall SVP), it works fine, but SVP Manager doesn't work. What should I do to play HEVC movies in 60 FPS? Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Re: HEVC (x265)

1. Uninstall K-Lite and all other codec packs.
2. Uninstall Haali Matroska splitter.
3. Update LAV Filters to last version (for now it is 60.1): install video + audio + splitter.
4. Use your player as usual.

Re: HEVC (x265)

I do it, and it start work, but after that I couldn't choose soundtrack or subtitles in MPC-HC. But after reinstall K-Lite all looks working good. Thanks.

4 (edited by acb 21-01-2014 16:33:40)

Re: HEVC (x265)

Ok, it still doesn't work good.

1. SVP uninstalled
2. K-Lite uninstalled
3. SVP installed
4. Haali uninstalled
5. LAV 60.1 installed

- video: ok
- audio: only default, I can't choose any other
- subs: build-in subs doesn't work
x265: black screen and as above
Media info disappeared from context menu in Totalcmd

What should I do?

Edit: everything uninstalled, than I installed K-Lite (with 9 option: LAV) only. Everything works fine, except SVP of course. How can I install it? I need full support for x264 and x265 - video, multi-audio, build-in subs and Media Info in Explorer context menu. Just like now, but in 60 FPS wink

Re: HEVC (x265)

Tried test clip "Big Buck Bunny" 1080p from here

Built-in LAV (
SVP 3.1.5

working great

Re: HEVC (x265)

hi all, HEVC working good here, no problems with PotPlayer, my settings and SVP.

Big Buck Bunny
SD 640x360 MPEG2 TS, HEVC+AAC ( SD for a fast test only ).
Lastest PotPlayer/updated + personal settings.
Lastest Nvidia drivers.
Windows 7 x64 ultimate.

Re: HEVC (x265)

HEVC is working

MPC-HC 1.7.1.x86 (9ae7b7c) / EVR buffers=10
Internal LAV Filters 0.60.1 / DXVA for HEVC no available
SVP 3.1.5 & FFDShow 2013-11-17 4525 RAW video filter

Post's attachments

1_.png 222.62 kb, 338 downloads since 2014-01-23 

Re: HEVC (x265)


All players and codec packs uninstalled.
SVP installed with MPC-HC, FFDShow and AviSynth, without Haali
LAV Filters 60.1 installed.

All video codecs works fine.
Audio and subs tagged as default (from mkv container) works fine.
Subs from external file works fine.
In Soundtrack context menu is only one track named Audio, and subs menu is inactive, player "doesn't see" another soundtracks, any soundtrack names and any subtitles - subs menu inactive even if default subs are displayed.
No "media info" in explorer context menu.

So, you're right, HEVC works good, thanks for it, but there are another problems. Only default tracks works as they should, and I don't wanna repack containers to watch movie as I like to.

Re: HEVC (x265)

Switch them in LAV splitter

Re: HEVC (x265)

Chainik is right.

picture from here.

P.S. Also you can choose audio and subs via ffdShow or madVR icons in system tray.

11 (edited by acb 24-01-2014 10:28:37)

Re: HEVC (x265)

Oh, thanks a lot, you are genious! wink Is it possible to add this options to default audio and subs menu?

And last thing: what should I do to restore Media Info to Explorer context menu?

Ok, one more: what are "EVR buffers"?

Re: HEVC (x265)

Is it possible to add this options to default audio and subs menu?
This question you need to ask to MPC-HC developers.

restore Media Info to Explorer context menu?
Install MediaInfo tool for it.
Or you can just use internal MediaInfo of MPC-HC to see Media Info of opened file: file - properties - MediaInfo.

what are "EVR buffers"?
It is amount of frames in buffer before show on screen. It improves stability of picture. See Targa's screenshot, left bottom corner.

13 (edited by acb 24-01-2014 12:32:46)

Re: HEVC (x265)

I know about internal version, but context menu previev is much more convenient. Thanks, I installed this tool, it works, but it's a bit more complex than version included in K-Lite.

This amount of frames is befor or after SVP interpolation - if I set 60 it will be 1 or 2,5 s buffered? Are there any disadvantages of max buffer size?

What hardvare is needed to play 1080p in full settings? On my computer even in 720p average SVP Index is about 0,85x and sometimes drops below 0,7x (4x5GHz 2500K, 24 GB RAM, GTX460).

Re: HEVC (x265)

amount of frames is befor or after SVP interpolation

Are there any disadvantages of max buffer size?
Available memory size of 32-bit player is restriction. 2-4GB at all. You can't chose BIG number of frame duffer. It is not necessary. I use default values.

What hardvare is needed to play 1080p in full settings?
None. No one hardware can play it. It is not needed. Maximum settings values is wrong way. They don't give you maximum quality. Use predefined profiles to get maximum quality. For your system it is 5g profiles set.


Re: HEVC (x265)

Use predefined profiles to get maximum quality. For your system it is 5g profiles set.
Where can I find those profile sets? And what exactly is that?

Re: HEVC (x265)

SVP has 5 profiles sets numbered from 1 to 5 with letter 'c' or 'g'. What mean CPU or GPU.
When install and first launch SVP automatically estimate your system performance and choose one of profiles sets. You can change profiles set manually: SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults.