Topic: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Maybe some of you guys have seen me talk about this before but I really would like a ''1,5M'' Frame Interpolation Mode. MAG79 told me I can do this myself but I m just not experienced enough (noob smile) to know how to do this exactly. Is there someone who could make a 1,5M Frame Interpolation Mode for me? I m willing to give a PalPal donation for it.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

1.5m it is ... 1m mode.
60 frames for nothing else.
Can experience a 1m mode. I prefer for them.
You can use the version of SVP 3.0. Copy replacing C: \ Program Files (x86) \ SVP \ AVS.

Post's attachments

MSmoothFps_1mm1m.avs 983 b, 767 downloads since 2012-10-14 

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Thanks for help. I already told THX-UltraII about your modifications.

Also you can try our "1m50%" mode. Maybe it is just "1,5m" mode what you're looking for. wink

Easiest way to enable 1m50% in SVP 3.1.2:
1. Open Program Files\SVP\override.js in notepad. Find there these lines:

//smooth.scene.limits.m1        = 1600;
//smooth.scene.limits.m2        = 2800;

2. Change them (uncomment and give new values) , close file and save:

smooth.scene.limits.m1        = 1;
smooth.scene.limits.m2        = 1;

3. Choose Frame interpolation mode=Adaptive in profile settings window after playback started and green SVP icon appears.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Let me make explain again to be sure you guys understand what I m looking for:

I am correct that 2M shows more original frames and 1M less right? Ok, what I want is a 'compromise' between those two settings. I want this because 1M gives me artifacts that bother me too much and 2M gives me no visible artifacts at all. The only downside (of course) is that 2M is just not so smooth. So I thought that a mode between 1M and 2M will maybe give me also no visible artifacts but a little more smoothness.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Unfortunately, you can not put two of the original frame in the sequence of 5 frames.
Have to sacrifice something.
I have proposed a script based on time intervals motion two consecutive frames. In this case, two of the five original frame.
Video smoother than the original algorithm 1m (SVP3.0). In theory, fewer artifacts.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Thanks for your reply gaunt.

But what is the '1m50%' option that MAG is talking about then?
Can you summarize with 1's and m's (eg. 1mm1mm1 etc) how 1M and 2M looks like?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

1 - one original frame
2 - twice repeated original frame
m - one motion interpolated (MI) frame

2m algo is sequence (2m2) like 3:2 pulldown, but third repeat of frame is MI-frame.
1m algo is sequence (1mm1m) like 3:2 pulldown, but second and third repeats of each frame is MI-frame.

1m50% algo is 1m algo, but every MI-frame is close to original by 50%
1m custom algo (from gaunt) is 1m algo, but with customized distance for each MI-frame in 1mm1m sequence.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

So (please correct me if I m wrong MAG)

2M = 11m1111m1111m1111m11
1M = 1mm1m1mm1m1mm1m1mm1m

If I want to test 1m50% I do:
1. Open Program Files\SVP\override.js in notepad
2. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1600; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1;
3. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 2800; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 1;
4. Choose Frame interpolation mode Adaptive
5. Run SVP

If I want to test '1mgaunt' I do:
1. download MSmoothFps_1mm1m.avs
2. Place it in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ SVP \ AVS
3. Choose Frame Interpolation mode 1M
4. Run SVP


Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Yes, it is correct.

But 1m50% algo is available in SVP 3.1.2 only.
1m custom from gaunt is available in SVP 3.0 only.

You can install both 3.0 and 3.1.2 in separate folders and run them once a time.

10 (edited by THX-UltraII 15-10-2012 12:00:47)

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Ok, understand MAG, thanks.

But still some questions before I will begin experimenting:

1. Which will most likely give more smoothness (and of course more artifacts), 1m50% or 1mgaunt?

2. For 1m50% I have to change //smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1600; to smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1; and //smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 2800; to smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 1; correct? I ask this because:
a. the // are gone in the line I have to change it to.
b. what s the theory behind the change to 1? I can imagine that if you want +50% the values have to change from 1600 to 2400 (+50%) and 2800 to 4200 (also +50%)

3. I thought the ADAPTIVE Frame Interpolation Mode chooses 1M, 2M or UNIFORM according to the scene svp 'is seeing'? So why choose ADAPTIVE?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

1. Original 1m algo looks like: 1 m33 m67 1 m50
1m50% looks like: 1 m17 m83 1 m75
If you look to gaunt's avs file you will see: 1 m37 m73 1 m55
m33 means 33% distance from left original frame to right original frame.
You can customize these distances in gaunt 1m algo.

2.a. Yes
2.b. Because it close to 0, but 0 leads to SVPMgr crash. I found it today and I will fix it in SVP 3.1.3.
Theory about Limits, m1 and m2 see here: Plugins: SVPflow.
3. See the same link in 2.b

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode


I don t want to revert back to SVP 3.0 and want to keep running the updated 3.1.2 so it will be 1m50% for me then.

Read the link you posted and understand the differences between 1M, 2M, UNIFORM and ADAPTIVE but still don t understand why to choose ADAPTIVE when making to changes in smooth.scene.limits.m1 and smooth.scene.limits.m2. I mean, why not choose 1M or 2M which are the Frame Interpolation modes I m going to adjust? I didn t adjusted UNIFORM and in ADAPTIVE mode UNIFORM mode can be used sometimes by SVP right?

ps. I ve send you a mail a few month ago about beta testing MAG, can I beta test 3.1.3 asap?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

I rule 1m50%. Enough smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 10000.
If strongly move the timeline - it's annoying.
You are not out there looking for.
Advice on how to reduce the number of visible artifacts:
1 Use the step 12-14-16 pixel.
2 Place the radius to find 2 or 3 pixels.
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ SVP \ override = 3;
3 Try different values lsad 3000-8000
analyse.main.penalty.lsad = 4000;
4 Use a specific frame size.
For example 720x400 increase by 2-3 times
It is important to monitor the height of the frame.
This will help maintain the flexibility to step 12-14-16 pixel
Unfortunately, the step 6.8 pixels will give obviously very moving picture. This is worse than 12 - 16 pixels.

Sorry, this is Google translation.
German taught 20 years ago. forgotten completely.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Uniform mode = switch between uniform interpolation (1mmmm) and Scene changing.
Adaptive mode = switch between uniform, 1m, 1m50% and Scene changing.
When we set m1 and m2* limits value to 1 we get intervals: 0..1 for uniform, 1..1 for 1m, 1..4000 for 1m50% and 4000..max for Scene changing. Thus we have 1m50% algo enabled for all good scenes in movie. SAD<1 it is not achievable for real material.

*m2 limit is only called m2. It fact it is limit for 1m50% algo. It is undocumented feature. wink

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

can I beta test 3.1.3 asap?
Yes. I will inform you when first beta will be done.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

with the best will I just don t understand m8, sorry.......

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

O men MAG, why is it that I just don t understand you  sad  sad

Ok, let s forget about the theory behind all this. What I want is 1m50% and what I do for this is

1. Open Program Files\SVP\override.js in notepad
2. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1600; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1;
3. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 2800; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 1;
4. Choose Frame interpolation mode Adaptive
5. Run SVP

And then I m good to go right?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

I didn't answer this question yesterday:
"Which will most likely give more smoothness (and of course more artifacts), 1m50% or 1mgaunt?"
MI frames in 1m50% algo are closer to original frames. Thus 1m50% algo have less smoothness and less artifafacts compare to 1mgaunt algo. Yes. But you need "5. Run SVP" before "4. Choose Frame interpolation mode Adaptive" wink

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

ok, but 1m50% will be smoother than 1m right?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

1m50% is smoother than 2m but less smooth than 1m. It is between 1m and 2m. Like 1,5m what you are looking for. wink

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode


btw, Which new features fixes are planned for SVP 3.1.3?

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

It will be bug-fix version with a little usability improvements.

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode


Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

Mode 1.5 m , to svp 3.0.7  wink
Copy the replacement MSmoothFps_1mm1m
Select 1m (24-60)

Post's attachments

MSmoothFps_1mm1m.avs 974 b, 692 downloads since 2012-11-03 

25 (edited by THX-UltraII 05-11-2012 09:33:50)

Re: ''1,5m'' Frame Interpolation Mode

I tried 1m50% yesterday and it seems to work well MAG. What I did is:

1. Open Program Files\SVP\override.js in notepad
2. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1600; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m1 = 1;
3. Find //smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 2800; and change it to smooth.scene.limits.m2 = 1;
4. Run SVP
5. Choose Adaptive

But do I also have to change 'smooth.scene.limits.scene' to value 1 in order to get 1m50% during the entire movie?

And another questions:
A few post back you also said that there was a bug in SVP 3.1.2 that value 0 leads to SVPMgr crash and you had to fix this. Is this already fixed in 3.1.3beta?