Topic: what is 2m ?

Hi guys

what is "frames interpolation mode" in setting menu 

and what is "2m" choice stand for?


Re: what is 2m ?

O - original frame
I - interpolation frame

Re: what is 2m ?

Frames interpolation mode:
0 - uniform interpolation for maximum smoothness. For example for 24->60 conversion output will be: "1mmmm1mmmm...", where "1" stands for original frame and "m" for interpolated one.
1 - "1m" mode that gives "1mm1m1mm1m..." output in the above example => less artifacts at the cost of less smoothness.
2 - "2m" mode: "1m11m11m11..." => much less artifacts and much less smoothness.
3 - adaptive mode that switches between modes 0,1,2 based on overall vector field quality.

Re: what is 2m ?

Got it, Thanks   smile