Topic: AllowUpsize

Couples of question about this setting (AllowUpsize):

Is this using motion vectors to compute the new resolution ?

If not is it a pre-process or a post-process ?

Re: AllowUpsize

This setting is used for pre-process video before new frames interpolation.
Common avisynth functions are used: BicubicResize(b=0, c=0.75) for upsizing (upscale) and LanczosResize for downsizing (downscale).

Downsized video reduce CPU load. But it reduce quality too.
Upsized video increase CPU load. In some cases with weak GPU it can be helpful while fullscreen watching.

Re: AllowUpsize

Thx for the answer,

it would be great to have super resolution feature using the motion vectors so that the final resolution is function of the motion vectors and the current image.
I think this could give better result than the actual Compute_final_image->resize OR resize->Compute_final_image since the motion vectors have a half pixel precision if im right we could use this precision to resize.

By the way where is the backlog of the tasks you guys are working on ?

Re: AllowUpsize

Super resolution feature are used when new frames are created. See profile setting: motion vectors precision.
We can not change original frames.

About ToDo List. It is availible to beta-testers only.

Re: AllowUpsize

We should be able to specify the final output resolution of the interpolated frames.

For the original frames, just post resize them with lanczos to match the output resolution.

Re: AllowUpsize

Oh! I see.
It is interesting idea. We will think about it.

Re: AllowUpsize

MAG79 I sent you a forum e-mail