Topic: SVP with Kodi and MadVR Beta 132 and later

Hi there.
I want to use SVP.
It works so far in Kodi 17.7 DSplayer if I add the filters that are officially announced by SVP.
The problem is, if I do so, I can't use tone mapping, only transfer HLG.
Is there a way to get tone mapping and SVP for the latest MADVR beta versions?


Re: SVP with Kodi and MadVR Beta 132 and later

you can use any madVR version you like
and any madVR version can do tone mapping

Re: SVP with Kodi and MadVR Beta 132 and later

Hi. Thats not true. If I configure the filters for SVP in Kodi 17.7 the past filters are deleted and the you have just Transfer to hlg. Since the New Beta Versions of madvr you need extern nightly filters.