1 (edited by travolter 19-03-2012 21:56:17)

Topic: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

Hi guys.
I need this feature to do slow motion.

I have a 60hz monitor.  When using the classic avisynth scripts if I interpolate video to 120fps, or 180, or 240, or 300 I can get a fantastic slow motion effect -

Can I edit any file of SVP 3.1.1 to allow these new settings in the Target framerate drop menu?:
to screen refresh rate x2
to screen refresh rate x3
to screen refresh rate x4

Best regards

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

Hmmm... Adding "video fps" *5, *10, *N is rather simple, but "screen refresh * X" is much more tricky.

Update: you can't add something like "screen*4" by yourself. But if you want "video*N" I could tell how wink

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

Plz (if not very tedious) write the feature in the to-do list for next version smile

Im not sure but I bet  that video*N is not useful because Ill lose the "smoothness magic" if I do not match the refresh rate in a *1 *2 *3 *4, etc, factor....

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

I dunno.
*5/2 -> 60 hz
*5 -> 120 hz
*10 -> 240 hz

5 (edited by travolter 19-03-2012 22:24:35)

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

hey yes.. that would work,
When I was using mvtools I did num=120 den=1 or num=240 den=1

dont worry about trying to maintain audio in sync or do audio timestretch... this feature is to play certain scene and check the video motion only.. the details of video scene.. not needed to fix audio

I was testing with a script like this in ffdshow and tweaking "num" and "den" I got teh slow motion effect
so its posible.. I only need a way to add these controls (x2 x3 x4 , etc) in the SVP menu

V = ffdshow_source()
S = V.SVSuper("{scale:{up:0},gpu:1}")
A = S.SVAnalyse("{main:{search:{distance:2,coarse:{distance:-10}},penalty:{lambda:2,plevel:1,lsad:1600}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}")
V.SVSmoothFps = (S, A, "{num:5,den:2,algo:13,mask:{cover:0,area_sharp:2},scene:{mod e:0,limits:{scene:10000}}}", url="www.svp-team.com")
GetMTMode(false) > 0 ? distributor() : last

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

OK, I've added *10 and *20 menu items as an example. See 19th and 20th lines.

I'm not sure if one should edit all 4 files, MAG79 knows better hmm

4 almost identical files are a little bit weird...

Post's attachments

ProfileCfg.zip 5.63 kb, 543 downloads since 2012-03-19 

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

WORKING"!!!!!!! big_smile Thanks a lot pal!!!

And problem solved in less than an hour wink
I like people like u. smile

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

it was simple  big_smile

Re: Target framerate: to screen refresh rate x2 x3 x4 ....

if one should edit all 4 files, MAG79 knows better
Yes. In SVP 3.1.1 one should edit ALL 4 files. It is not comfortable now.
I will do my best to next version will be more usable and profile settings will be in one file.