Topic: Easiest way to download svpflow?

Hi again,

Since I'm using vapoursynth scripts on Linux, I don't need SVPManager but I DO need updated svpflow plugins. The ones on the Download page are very outdated ( vs

Do I have have to manually extract them from the ".run" binary every new release or am I just missing where new ones are hosted?


Re: Easiest way to download svpflow?

Do it once. Its very rarely new version brings significant improvements

Re: Easiest way to download svpflow?

If there's an update, I'd like to know about it and have it. I can follow the instructions in the PKGBUILD on Arch Linux's AUR but it's hacky. The website shouldn't be providing old versions anyway regardless of how much they change.

Re: Easiest way to download svpflow?

> The ones on the Download page are very outdated

They will be updated at some point...

Re: Easiest way to download svpflow?

Thanks for the update. In the meantime I uploaded the libs to my Google Drive which is an easy fix smile