1 (edited by nazimx8 03-12-2016 02:21:13)

Topic: Cpu requirements for SVP

I'm gonna buy a low budget pc. My cpu gonna be Intel PDC G4400 3.30GHz 6th Gen Processor. The pc will have no external gpu so its up to the cpu to handle the video decoding. I know Intel Core i3 6100 3.70GHz 6th Gen can handle it (1080p 60Hz) but can PDC G4400 do it? I do watch high qulity anime, a 20 minute video's weight is up to 6-10 Gb & Bluray DVD's with high bit rate and want goal for 60 FPS in 1080p with PDC G4400

2 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-12-2016 04:17:56)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

What is your current CPU, what kind of a budget are you looking at with for this new PC, and how impatient are you? (i.e. would waiting up to 4 months at the very worst be a no-go?)

I think that CPU will be too weak for 1080p, but I'm not 100% sure so I'm going to do some tests with my own Pentium G3258 @ 4.6GHz.

3 (edited by nazimx8 03-12-2016 05:00:03)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

The thing is, I sold my old pc. Now I'm using laptop. I am a gamer and do have the money for a mid range gaming pc with external gpu and every thing. But I'm saving money for Intel cannon-lake CPU and Nvidia 1100 series GPU which will be released in the mid 2017. But now I cant watch movies by my laptop on a external 24 inch monitor....it gives a grainy effect in the monitor which is very irritating. Thats why I'm buying a low end pc for now. I need guidance. Can PDC G4400 do the job ? and if it cant, then gonna go for Core i3 6100.

4 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-12-2016 06:47:35)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

Waiting for Intel Cannon lake and  Nvidia 1100?  That's an...interesting...choice.

Most of the PC gamers I am aware of that are waiting for future parts are waiting for AMD's Zen CPUs (Q1 2017) and AMD's Vega GPUs (Q2 2017) because Intel is practically guaranteed to have yet another only ~5% IPC increase and Nvidia's next-gen Volta GPUs aren't launching until 2018 (they're releasing "Pascal refresh" for 2017).

Anyway, the reason I asked what your current CPU (or perhaps your previous CPU?) was because different people have different interpolation tolerances, so some people use much less intensive settings than others - in other words, what one person may deem to be "too weak", another person may deem to be "more than enough".  As an example, even my Pentium G3258 (a CPU with IPC a bit worse than a G4400) @ 4.6GHz isn't enough for 1080p with SVP settings that I deem "adequate", but if I lower some settings, then it's more than fast enough even at its stock 3.2GHz.

The thing is, there becomes a point where more smoothness results in more noticeable artifacts, so even when performance is not an issue, it all comes down to balancing your tolerance for artifacts vs your tolerance for what movie buffs call the "soap opera effect".

tl;dr: Whether or not a Pentium G4400 is fast enough for 1080p all depends on what kind of settings you are used to in SVP - or have you never actually tried SVP before?

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

Thanks for your reply. I never did tweak any settings in SVP. Just install and play. Then I should be okay playing video with default settings with G4400

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

The pc will have no external gpu so its up to the cpu to handle the video decoding.

FYI your G4400 has a hardware decoding block. In fact, it has a fairly good one.

Yeah, it should be fine.

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

Thanks, Now I've no worries smile

8 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-12-2016 20:04:37)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

nazimx8 wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I never did tweak any settings in SVP. Just install and play. Then I should be okay playing video with default settings with G4400

SVP actually has multiple "default settings" and it simply chooses the most adequate default depending on your CPU performance - this is again why I had asked about your current/previous CPU.

Nevertheless, considering that you didn't ever tweak your settings, that tells me that you aren't some one looking to maximize smoothness, and there were several settings that I typically enable that hit the CPU quite hard, particularly shader @ "Complicated", which is never enabled by default in SVP even with the fastest of CPUs.

Therefore, even if you do have to tweak the settings in order to have good performance, you sound like someone that wouldn't really have an issue with not having "the smoothest motion possible" (which is actually quite apparent considering that you're looking to play 24fps content at 60Hz which is less than ideal).

brucethemoose wrote:

FYI your G4400 has a hardware decoding block. In fact, it has a fairly good one.

Actually, a lot of anime is encoded in 10bit AVC which no hardware decoder supports.

9 (edited by nazimx8 04-12-2016 03:38:13)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

that tells me that you aren't some one looking to maximize smoothness, and there were several settings that I typically enable that hit the CPU quite hard, particularly shader @ "Complicated", which is never enabled by default in SVP even with the fastest of CPUs.

I do want maximum smoothness with lossless quality but I thought getting 60 FPS is the smooth thing and thought SVP control panel is the only place where the settings are. Is there more settings for maximum smoothness? Please can you describe what they are? I'm using MPC-HC to play video.


10 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 04-12-2016 03:40:45)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

nazimx8 wrote:

I thought getting 60 FPS is the smooth thing

There's still different levels of smoothness.  Not only that, but SVP can actually interpolate to pretty much any framerate and not just 60fps.

nazimx8 wrote:

Is there more settings for maximum smoothness? Please can you describe what they are?

Since you're only using SVP 4 Free, you do not see all of the settings.  The old SVP 3.1.7 has most of the settings that SVP 4 has, so you can use 3.1.7 to "try out" those settings for free.

Also, as I alluded to earlier, you actually get a smoother result by interpolating by integer values, so 24fps content (like anime) looks smoother at 72Hz than it would at 75Hz even though 75 is a greater value than 72 - more info.

11 (edited by nazimx8 04-12-2016 03:40:16)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
nazimx8 wrote:

Is there more settings for maximum smoothness? Please can you describe what they are?

Since you're only using SVP 4 Free, you do not see all of the settings.  The old SVP 3.1.7 has most of the settings that SVP 4 has, so you can use 3.1.7 to "try out" those settings for free.

Can you give me a screenshot of your settings ?

12 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 04-12-2016 04:02:27)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

D'oh, you posted before you saw my edit! tongue  Please go re-read my previous post for more information.

nazimx8 wrote:

I do want maximum smoothness

Well then why are you looking to getting Cannon Lake?  SVP loves "moar cores", so either Skylake-E or AMD's Zen would be better suited to the task.

nazimx8 wrote:

with lossless quality

SVP does not reduce the video quality (unless you have a 10bit monitor - SVP outputs at 8bit currently) - the artifacts I mention are purely in the interpolated frames, not the source frames.

nazimx8 wrote:

Can you give me a screenshot of your settings ?

My settings are very intensive and are designed for 720p with my 4.6GHz overclock and would never give good performance on a G4400 with 1080p content.

If you want, I can give a screenshot of my settings from my laptop with an i5-520M; while said settings are also being used for 720p content, a G4400 may be able to use the very same settings but for 1080p (though you may need to change "half pixel" to "two pixels" and reduce "12px" to "16px").

13 (edited by nazimx8 04-12-2016 04:05:24)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

Well then why are you looking to getting Cannon Lake?  SVP loves "moar cores", so either Skylake-E or AMD's Zen would be better suited to the task.

Well I do have plans for AMD's Zen if its single core performance is better.

My settings are very intensive and are designed for 720p with my 4.6GHz overclock and would never give good performance on a G4400 with 1080p content.
If you want, I can give a screenshot of my settings from my laptop with an i5-520M; while said settings are also being used for 720p content, a G4400 may shouldl be able to use the very same settings but for 1080p (though you may need to change "half pixel" to "one pixel").


14 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 04-12-2016 04:23:15)

Re: Cpu requirements for SVP

nazimx8 wrote:

Well I do have plans for AMD's Zen if its single core performance is better.

You'll probably be disappointed then because it's looking to be at Skylake-E levels of performance which means slightly slower single-threaded but much faster multithreaded.

That is of course unless you're planning your future PC around emulation where single-threaded performance trumps all (unless you're emulating Xbox 360 or PS3, then multiple cores are extremely useful).

nazimx8 wrote:


Screenshot attached.

Note that my laptop's GPU is too weak to do anything above "Movie x2" which is why I am using that rather than something like "Movie x3" (which a Pentium G4400 would have no problems doing).  Again, for 1080p, you may have to change "Half pixel" to "Two pixels" and "12 px. Average 2" to "16 px. Average 0".

Post's attachments

SVP settings.png, 137.92 kb, 513 x 536
SVP settings.png 137.92 kb, 451 downloads since 2016-12-03