1 (edited by vapedragon 07-09-2016 03:12:56)

Topic: Please, I Really Need Player Help

Hello, forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong section. I'm in need of some assistance. I'm new to this whole scene and frankly find a lot of the information about reclock, ffdshow, madvr and all this somewhat confusing. Here is my dilemna

I have svp4 pro , and configured it with mpc hc. it worked fine, however after a while I started getting audio desyncs after the video would randomly start slowing down and stuttering. so I switched to mpv, but it had the same issue. Finally, I tried potplayer, and even tried following makens potplayer guide on this site, and the potplayer setup guide from the svp wiki, but the issue remains. Potplayer has been my favorite of these players, so I'm asking help to configure potplayer. after about 3 minutes, the player always starts causing video stutters, and then the audio loses sync but continues playing. I've looked everywhere for answers but can't find anything. I have a really high end machine that I just built. My specs are as follows:
- intel core i7 overclocked to 4.3 ghz
- asus strix gtx 1070
- 16g ddr4 ram
- asus z170a motherboard

If any of you know anything I can do to get the best performance out of my machine, I would love the help. I know my machine can handle svp, I just am not sure what I am doing wrong, I've followed every tutorial correctly. Oh, also svp is syncing to my monitors refresh rate of 96hz, for 96 fps.

2 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 07-09-2016 04:53:31)

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

On SVP's performance monitor graphs, are you actually getting an SVP index of 1.0x when the audio de-sync occurs?

If your CPU utilization is less than 50% you may need manually increase the amount of processing threads in SVP (start with 11 and then keep increase it until performance is good).

Post's attachments

threads.png, 148.6 kb, 699 x 499
threads.png 148.6 kb, 492 downloads since 2016-09-07 

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

vapedragon wrote:

after about 3 minutes, the player always starts causing video stutters, and then the audio loses sync but continues playing...
intel core i7 overclocked to 4.3 ghz

overheating and throttling?
After these 3 minutes when stutters see at Performance monitor. It must show the same CPU frequency as at start playing.
What CPU temperature when stutters occur?

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

On SVP's performance monitor graphs, are you actually getting an SVP index of 1.0x when the audio de-sync occurs?

If your CPU utilization is less than 50% you may need manually increase the amount of processing threads in SVP (start with 11 and then keep increase it until performance is good).

Thanks for the response man, I'll try to increase the processing threads and report back what happens. I'll check the svp index as well.

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

MAG79 wrote:
vapedragon wrote:

after about 3 minutes, the player always starts causing video stutters, and then the audio loses sync but continues playing...
intel core i7 overclocked to 4.3 ghz

overheating and throttling?
After these 3 minutes when stutters see at Performance monitor. It must show the same CPU frequency as at start playing.
What CPU temperature when stutters occur?

is there a good tool you would recommend to show  cpu temps in the corner of the screen? I have been looking for a good utility

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

Also, I should report, that after all the frustration, I eventually just reinstalled svp4 and potplayer alltogether. I didn't enable reclock in potplayer this time, and it now seems to be working. If it happens again, I'll come back to this thread, but if anyone else was having this problem, i guess just try a fresh install, and disable re-clock if you have it enabled.

Re: Please, I Really Need Player Help

I used HWmonitor for this. But this util has not OSD.
You can try HWInfo to get more custom views. It has OSD.
Also you can google 'CPU Temp gadget'. There are a lot of small tools to show temperature in the corner of the screen.
Throttling can be determined by only one tool what I know. It is AIDA64 - System Stability Test

Post's attachments

System Stability Test - AIDA64.jpg, 143.6 kb, 600 x 530
System Stability Test - AIDA64.jpg 143.6 kb, 573 downloads since 2016-09-07