1 (edited by fabiorosado16 04-08-2016 23:43:42)

Topic: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

So i think i have a nice desktop, i want your help to know wich are the best svp+madvr settings for me to watch anime, even if i can't use them i want to try, please note that i am a total noob so a explained tutorial would help a lot, this is the programs i am using.

Svp 3.1.7a
Madvr v0.89.13
ffdshow video decoder raw tryouts rev 4533
Lav video decoder

This is my specs:


CPU 4670K 6M Cache, up to 3.80 GHz
Case Zalman z11PLUS Blue
Cooler CPU Arctic Cooling Freezer i30 Co
Motherboard Asus z87-K
Graphic Card Asus GTX770 Direct CU II OC
2x4 GB Hyper x Blu 1333mhz
HDD 1 TB + 125 SDD Samsung
PSU Corsair TX550M
Wireless Adapter TP-LINK TL-WN851ND 300Mbps


Peripheral ( Monitor i am using )

1 LG 25 25um65-p

2 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 04-08-2016 23:37:55)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

You did not specify your CPU which is the most important indicator of performance.

Also, if you have no idea what you are doing, then SVP 4 Free would be quite a bit easier to use.

(you really should only use SVP 3.1.7 if you are already quite familiar with SVP or are using weak hardware)

Lastly, if you are OCD about visual quality, then you should set SVP to use your integrated Intel GPU while madVR uses your discrete Nvidia GPU - this will allow you to use better madVR settings than otherwise.  You would also want to make sure your screen refresh rate is an exact multiple of the source frame rate (like 47.952Hz for 23.976fps content and 60.00Hz for 30.000fps content), which can be done automatically via MPC-HC or madVR when opening a video (you may need to make custom resolutions to access such refresh rates however).

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

You did not specify your CPU which is the most important indicator of performance.

Also, if you have no idea what you are doing, then SVP 4 Free would be quite a bit easier to use.

(you really should only use SVP 3.1.7 if you are already quite familiar with SVP or are using weak hardware)

Lastly, if you are OCD about visual quality, then you should set SVP to use your integrated Intel GPU while madVR uses your discrete Nvidia GPU - this will allow you to use better madVR settings than otherwise.  You would also want to make sure your screen refresh rate is an exact multiple of the source frame rate (like 47.952Hz for 23.976fps content and 60.00Hz for 30.000fps content), which can be done automatically via MPC-HC or madVR when opening a video (you may need to make custom resolutions to access such refresh rates however).

CPU IS 4670K 6M Cache, up to 3.80 GHz


Yes but i can only use expert mode with svp 3, that's why i use it, svp 4 free is not configurable at all.


Ok my svp is now working with integrated, how do i setup madvr with my gpu?


Ok i have an 60hz monitor and i am watching pokemon anime that are 640x480/720x576 with 25fps what do i need to do to about custom?

Thanks for thefast reply btw.

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Btw wich should be my settings in svp and madvr for the best quality? i know i a bit ocd, but i have a good monitor with ips screen, can't blame me for tryin

5 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 00:34:44)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

IPS does not automatically mean good - it has some of the worst black levels and sub-par pixel response time.

I cannot help you with madVR upscaling, but custom resolutions and refresh rates can be set up right in the Nvidia control panel.

Also, for non-HD videos, you should be able to easily run maximum settings in SVP.

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

IPS does not automatically mean good - it has some of the worst black levels and sub-par pixel response time.

I cannot help you with madVR upscaling, but custom resolutions and refresh rates can be set up right in the Nvidia control panel.

Also, for non-HD videos, you should be able to easily run maximum settings in SVP.

Well it's much better than my another one lg flatron, it's the ultra-wide ones with 2560x1080 blablabla


Do you know somebody who can help me with that? I really wanna watch at the best quality.


Ye i know i can, i just need someone who can help me and pass me a picture or something with the best ones to try, i am not expert into codecs and stuff like that, i know basic words only.

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

btw i made an custom res with 2560x1080 and 50hz for the 25 fps, dat right?

8 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 01:45:03)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

fabiorosado16 wrote:

btw i made an custom res with 2560x1080 and 50hz for the 25 fps, dat right?

Yes.  Now you just have to configure madVR to use it.

While I'm no expert in madVR upscaling, I do know how to do automatic resolution stuff.  In the madVR settings, it's under "devices" -> [your monitor] -> "display modes" and then in the text field "list all display modes madVR may switch to" type in "2560x1080p60, 2560x1080p50" (without quotes).

Post's attachments

screenshot.jpg, 49.98 kb, 733 x 451
screenshot.jpg 49.98 kb, 535 downloads since 2016-08-04 

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
fabiorosado16 wrote:

btw i made an custom res with 2560x1080 and 50hz for the 25 fps, dat right?

Yes.  Now you just have to configure madVR to use it.

While I'm no expert in madVR upscaling, I do know how to do automatic resolution stuff.  In the madVR settings, it's under "devices" -> [your monitor] -> "display modes" and then in the text field "list all display modes madVR may switch to" type in "2560x1080p60, 2560x1080p50" (without quotes).

ok i did it, great thanks for the help, whenever you can help me with more feel free to post http://i.imgur.com/zdMOxQP.png

10 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 02:59:19)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Optimally you should add in resolutions at both 48Hz and 60Hz as well.

And alternatively, if you're feeling particularly daring, you could try 72Hz, 75Hz, and/or even 90Hz.

Off topic: is there a particular reason why you purchased that monitor rather than a 27" 2560x1440 display?  Thing is, I never quite understand what the benefit of a dedicated 21:9 monitor is when you can just get something like a larger 2560x1440 monitor and then just make a custom resolution of 2560x1080...

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Would that brick my monitor? would my 25 fps ep's benefit from more hz?

12 (edited by fabiorosado16 05-08-2016 03:00:28)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Off topic: is there a particular reason why you purchased that monitor rather than a 27" 2560x1440 display?

Nah i just had the money 1 year ago, this was the best money/performance, i would choose a 1440 now.

My case i just didn't had the money for more, another cases idk

13 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 03:05:48)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

fabiorosado16 wrote:

Would that brick my monitor? would my 25 fps ep's benefit from more hz?

No it won't brick it, it just can give you a black screen or at least a less smooth result (dropping frames) if your monitor can't handle it.

If you're doing it from the Nvidia control panel then it's pretty safe to test because, if your monitor can't handle it, your GPU will revert to the previous working setting if you don't press anything for 15 seconds.

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
fabiorosado16 wrote:

Would that brick my monitor? would my 25 fps ep's benefit from more hz?

No it won't brick it, it just can give you a black screen or at least a less smooth result (dropping frames) if your monitor can't handle it.

If you're doing it from the Nvidia control panel then it's pretty safe to test because, if your monitor can't handle it, your GPU will revert to the previous working setting if you don't press anything for 15 seconds.

well i just tested it, 90hz said it was out of range, 75 gave me some random lines like starting to brick xD, 72 seems to look fine

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

shall i add this to madvr? 2560x1080p72

16 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 03:15:04)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

fabiorosado16 wrote:

shall i add this to madvr? 2560x1080p72

Sure, but you'd probably want to make sure that it's actually smoother than 60Hz (you can usually tell by just draging some windows around the screen and stuff).

If you monitor can legitimately run at 72Hz without issue then you may even want to consider using it as your default desktop refresh rate.

17 (edited by fabiorosado16 05-08-2016 03:39:17)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
fabiorosado16 wrote:

shall i add this to madvr? 2560x1080p72

Sure, but you'd probably want to make sure that it's actually smoother than 60Hz (you can usually tell by just draging some windows around the screen and stuff).

If you monitor can legitimately run at 72Hz without issue then you may even want to consider using it as your default desktop refresh rate.

well it doesn't lag or something, and i don't have issues, atleast for now, there is no errors monitor neither lines, even i kinda copied this madvr settings guy https://imouto.my/tutorials/madvr/ it didn't like break or something while moving, think i am good with 72, maybe i'll use it to play.

18 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 03:50:06)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

The madVR settings that you use shouldn't really depend on the refresh rate at all, so even if you were using something wacky like 67Hz you'd still want to use the same settings that you would for plain old 50Hz.

And since you've set SVP to use your integrated Intel GPU, you also shouldn't need to use different madVR settings for when SVP is active vs when SVP is not active.

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

The madVR settings that you use shouldn't really depend on the refresh rate at all, so even if you were using something wacky like 67Hz you'd still want to use the same settings that you would for plain old 50Hz.

And since you've set SVP to use your integrated Intel GPU, you also shouldn't need to use different madVR settings for when SVP is active vs when SVP is not active.

yup it is running fine for now, only difference about madvr settings is my desktop just sounds louder but nothing that loud, just graphic card pumping i believe, thanks a lot smile

20 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 04:12:12)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

fabiorosado16 wrote:

my desktop just sounds louder but nothing that loud, just graphic card pumping i believe

This is very likely - at high settings, madVR will eat up much of your GPU resources (which is why it was important to have SVP use your integrated Intel GPU).

If your really concerned about reducing GPU noise without buying a new GPU, consider blowing/cleaning out any dust on its fan and heatsink, possibly replace its thermal paste (put a pea-sized dot in the middle of the GPU die and let the pressure from the screws+heatsink spread it out), or even consider undervolting your GPU (not underclocking; undervolting can even improve performance at times - see the Rx 480).

21 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 05-08-2016 04:56:43)

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Oh I just remembered; there is definitely one setting in SVP that you do not want to max out - artifact masking!  In fact, you typcally want to make sure it is turned down low or even completely disabled (if your eyes an handle it that is).

Re: HELP, best SVP settings for ANIME!

Did you read this wiki article: Watching anime?