1 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 07-03-2016 00:19:04)

Topic: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

1. In SVP, enable "Decrease to screen"

2. In MPC-HC, set "Video frame" to "Normal"

3. In MPC-HC, enable "Launch files in fullscreen"

4. Set your desktop resolution to 800x600 (make sure your GPU scaling options are set to either "full screen" or "preserve aspect ratio"; also disable MPC-HC's automatic resolution changer)

5. Download the attached "Test.mkv" file and play it back in MPC-HC

6. Observe how there are black bars on ALL sides of the screen

By comparison, if you do the exact same steps but have "Decrease to screen" disabled in SVP, the video will not have black bars on all sides (refer to the screenshots).

Post's attachments

'Decrease to screen' Disabled.png, 398.4 kb, 800 x 600
'Decrease to screen' Disabled.png 398.4 kb, 538 downloads since 2016-03-06 

'Decrease to screen' Enabled.png, 335.53 kb, 800 x 600
'Decrease to screen' Enabled.png 335.53 kb, 539 downloads since 2016-03-06 

Test.mkv 1.73 mb, 588 downloads since 2016-03-06 

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

Nintendo Maniac 64
Your video is anamorphic.
In pixels it has size 900x600, but this picture has aspest ratio 4:3.
So if your screen has resolution 800x600 then one side of video must be equal, second side must be less. I think so because SD 720x576 with 16:9 flag gives at output 1024x576. (upscale 720 to 1024).

If we go with this logics then we need to get 800x5xx from 900x600 source to get stretched frame to 800x600 at the screen. And if I use madVR I see this logics working.

But with EVR I see another logics and 800x5xx shows me black bars as at your picture.
I must say it is not simple situation. Two different renderers work in different way: madVR used upscale, EVR used downscale.

Post's attachments

800x600_madVR.png, 928.77 kb, 800 x 600
800x600_madVR.png 928.77 kb, 552 downloads since 2016-03-07 

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

Hello... the referred black box indeex appeared for a few seconds with EVR, but I closed the video, opened it again, and the errors have not been repeating again when svp launches... dont ask me why....... anyway, who uses these weird configurations for someone to bother with? I vote for everyone to save money and get a led/lcd widescreen monitor or a decent tv when using svp, not anamorphic. I live in a crysis' Brazil and I could afford it.

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

Roberto Rossi wrote:

anyway, who uses these weird configurations for someone to bother with?

This was just the easiest way to replicate the bug.

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

Maybe its not meant to be played that way... Maybe bugs will always exist, no matter what we do,,, even nvidia 364.47 driver has bugs....

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

A bug is a bug and should be reported regardless of whether anything will come of it or not.

Re: Bug: "Decrease to screen" + 4:3 animorphic = window boxing

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

A bug is a bug and should be reported regardless of whether anything will come of it or not.

Agreed! Thank you.