Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Sorry i don't undstand what i have to do exactly?

102 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 27-04-2016 04:58:37)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

Sorry i don't undstand what i have to do exactly?

Well, it's the same process as making a custom resolution for 48Hz, but instead of 48 you type in 72.

Also, instead of selecting "LCD Native", you select "LCD Reduced".

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I think that i don't want to modify my screen refresh rate for several reason.
Instead,can you help me to figure out an optimal setup for anime? As have you done with tv series?
Thank you very much!

104 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 27-04-2016 06:00:56)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

I think that i don't want to modify my screen refresh rate for several reason.

I won't press the issue, but am I allowed to at least know why?

AndyDragneel wrote:

Instead,can you help me to figure out an optimal setup for anime? As have you done with tv series?

Sure thing.  It might be a bit difficult to determine optimal settings for 10 bit encodes though because higher bitrate will result in higher CPU utilization, and I can't really predict all that well what bitrate will be used.

Oh, and just an FYI, SVP 4 Pro is able to have separate profiles for 8 bit, 10 bit, and even based on the file path (like if the video folder contained the word "anime" in it).

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

The anime that i watch are in 8 bit.
For the refresh rate i don't want to do this beacause i don't want to modify anithing of my pc as i'am a noob and also i think that there is no much difference between 60fps and 90 fps.

106 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 27-04-2016 06:31:01)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

The anime that i watch are in 8 bit..

Well that makes things much easier then.

AndyDragneel wrote:

For the refresh rate i don't want to do this beacause i don't want to modify anithing of my pc as i'am a noob

Technically there are ways for me to do it for you, but I don't think you'd be too keen on having a stranger be able to move your mouse cursor and type things.

AndyDragneel wrote:

also i think that there is no much difference between 60fps and 90 fps.

Really?  That's interesting...

Though personally don't recommend 90Hz since support for that on 60Hz displays is much more hit-and-miss, by comparison something like 72Hz almost always works.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I think that it is much easier for me and for you if you help me with
The settings at 60hz refresh rate. Dont you think?

108 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 27-04-2016 19:24:59)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

I think that it is much easier for me and for you if you help me with
The settings at 60hz refresh rate. Dont you think?

In this case, easier is not better though.  I care more about ending with the best result we can reasonably get rather than doing what is easy and forever living with a sub-par result.

Regardless, I was still going to do the anime at 60Hz stuff - I can't change your mind for you.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

i think that we can obtain a very good result even with 60hz monitor, as we did with the tv series.

110 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 28-04-2016 06:03:44)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

i think that we can obtain a very good result even with 60hz monitor, as we did with the tv series.

"Very good" is extremely subjective - consider that I've been watching 24fps videos at 96Hz (as well as 30fps @ 90Hz, 25fps @ 100Hz, and 60fps @ 120Hz) with black frame insertion for almost 2 years now. By comparison my HTPC can only run at 60Hz (GPU doesn't support custom resolutions) and the experience is noticeably less smooth, but I'm not the HTPC's primary user anyway. tongue

Look, I'm just a perfectionist that likes to squeeze every little bit of extra smoothness out of a system; it's not like I'm going to flat-out refuse to provide settings for anime at 60Hz or anything (the only reason I haven't provided any settings yet is because I've been occupied).

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
AndyDragneel wrote:

i think that we can obtain a very good result even with 60hz monitor, as we did with the tv series.

"Very good" is extremely subjective - consider that I've been watching 24fps videos at 96Hz (as well as 30fps @ 90Hz, 25fps @ 100Hz, and 60fps @ 120Hz) with black frame insertion for almost 2 years now. By comparison my HTPC can only run at 60Hz (GPU doesn't support custom resolutions) and the experience is noticeably less smooth, but I'm not the HTPC's primary user anyway. tongue

Look, I'm just a perfectionist that likes to squeeze every little bit of extra smoothness out of a system; it's not like I'm going to flat-out refuse to provide settings for anime at 60Hz or anything (the only reason I haven't provided any settings yet is because I've been occupied).

Don't worry you can provide settings whenever you want. However i think that with 60hz monitor is smooth enough,but as you said it is extremely subkective!

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Mr nintendo i setup the monitor refresh rate to 72hz. But now what are the svp settings??

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

it is extremely subkective!

its not. 72fps for 24fps is always better than 60 (less cpu, more original frames, more smooth, less artifacts)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

dlr5668 wrote:
AndyDragneel wrote:

it is extremely subkective!

its not. 72fps for 24fps is always better than 60 (less cpu, more original frames, more smooth, less artifacts)

Ok so have i to set target frame rate to monitor refresh rate in svp to obtain 72 fps?


Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime


have i to set target frame rate to monitor refresh rate in svp to obtain 72 fps?

Yes. It is value by default.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Ok but i don't know very well how to setup my svp for anime.....

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Somebody please give him best custom settings for anime!

As to what I would do after setting 72Hz? I would click little button called "Optimize for Anime" and leave that  auto. But that is just me.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I have SVP 3.1.7 so there isn't an option "Animation" like in Svp 4

119 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 29-04-2016 17:29:34)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I will provide settings, don't worry.  It's just that I have a guest visiting this evening so I've been preparing and stuff - afterwards things should simmer down and I should have enough free time.

Also, I'm surprised that you actually went and did the 72Hz thing - did you get bored of waiting or something? tongue

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Yes i was bored so i tried to modify the refresh rate of my monitor,and i did it! (however it was very easy lol)

121 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 30-04-2016 05:18:27)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

It might be until tomorrow until I'm able to get to these anime settings, or at least Monday at the very latest (depends how tired I'll be as a result from today - it's still too early to tell).

AndyDragneel wrote:

Yes i was bored so i tried to modify the refresh rate of my monitor,and i did it! (however it was very easy lol)

Well if you get bored again, try setting up MPC-HC's automatic refresh rate changer. tongue

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

And....what i have to do exactly?

123 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 30-04-2016 21:17:05)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Honestly you could probably just copy the settings I use on my laptop; the only main difference is that I use 75Hz as my screen's default rather than 72Hz.

Post's attachments

Automatic resolution changer.png, 58.25 kb, 660 x 499
Automatic resolution changer.png 58.25 kb, 621 downloads since 2016-04-30 

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Ok...but why do i need to do this?

125 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 01-05-2016 08:04:24)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

Ok...but why do i need to do this?

You don't have to do it, that's why I said "if you get bored again".

The idea was that, in your boredom, you could use my settings as a starting point and then from there fiddle around with the settings and see what the difference is for yourself.