Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

how to check the fps on the video
Several ways:
1. Ctrl-J in MPC-HC (EVR Custom renderer). You must see real framerate.
2. Ctrl-J in MPC-HC (madVR). You must see some framerate, in some cases it is real framerate.
3. Use Performance graphs window in SVP. It shows real framerate in many cases.
4. Install Fraps. It shows real framerate at the corner of video.

bold written is always the 720x...
It is normal. Profile marked by bold is last used profile. When you will open 1080p video 1080p profile will become bold.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Hi PerfectHal, how are you?
Can you provide us your PC specs ? can you take screenshot(2) and show us what you mean with " it opens but image are the worst ever " ?
I still not finish my guide and my guide is about h264,avc1,mpeg,mpeg2,ts,wmv and more..common formats that much ppls are used to playback from many sources like internet, Rips, etc. For now i cant provide BluRay performance, quality and more because i dont have ( for now ) a bluray rom in my pc.
You can start testing your pc with your Bluray Discs installing PowerDVD 11 or 12 Ultra / Deluxe, if you have nvidia video card then you should be fine with the Cuda acceleration that app use.You can do the same with this app " SPLASH PRO EX " its good for Bluray too. If you see that your performance and quality with it is poor then is something in your hardware ( maybe not powerful enough to handle somethings ) and take in considerations of how you have your windows configurated i mean if you have the essential codecs installed, if you have soundcard then got the lastest drivers for it, the same for your video card if you have one, etc etc and etc.
Install FRAPS, you can see your frames with it and take screenshots that you can post here to show us what you really mean and whats your problem ?

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Some tips about your guide wink

1. ffdshow, avisynth and madVR are installed by SVP's full installer

2. LAV will be installed with 3.1 version

3. The lists of included profiles in PotPlayer depends on the distribution, and there's NO official English distribution (as far as I know)!
4. madVR isn't a silver bullet for "quality". It's great to upscale DVD's or 720p to FHD resolution but that's almost all it can. If one doesn't need to upscale low quality video then madVR can be just a waste of PC's resources.

54 (edited by Maken1 23-02-2012 00:24:29)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Hi Chainik, how you been?
1- Yeah i know thanks if someone want to use the full installer of the SVP can do it if they want. I install them apart because the new versions that are released by time ( ffdshow and madVR).
2- Nice smile thanks.
3- Its not oficial English version but there is a website that you can find translated to english all new versions and updates for PotPlayer, peoples just need to put on google " PotPlayer English " and it will do the rest for them.
4- In mi case and as far as we all know thanks to you and all SVP Team ( for the ADVISE big_smile ) , Nvidia Screwep up all new drivers with the OpenCL 1.1 right? then in the case of me for example and some others with old Gpus and even with the new ones still got poor performance, MADVR helped me a lot or saved my life because for some reason it gave me more performance i mean, less CPU and GPU usage. I have two Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 1GB, if i dont use madVR for example and only use EVR for Renderer and if i dont use SVP my CPU and GPUs usages are pretty low but once i use SVP even with low values on X custom profiles, CPU and GPUs goes very very high!! with 720p ( 60% one GPU and the other like 27% :S) and with 1080p is horrible almost impossible is worse than that. Then if i use madVR all change!!!!! big_smile for good, Cpu and Gpus performance are much better!!! i can playback 720p ( 23.976, 24, 25 and 30 fps  ), FullHD 1080p ( 23.976, 24, 25 and 30 fps  ), 720p and 1080p mkvs ( 1280x 544 - 1920x816 @ 23.976, 24, 25 and 30 fps ) using this Drivers 285.79 that till now are pretty good for me.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

LAV will be installed with 3.1 version

you dont right!
LAV will not be installed with 3.1 version, it is only copyed in the SVP folder and will not wright in the system
For OS LAV in SVP 3.1 will not exist, and for other programs too becouse they dont find him
(under install I understand copy files and registration in the uninstall/clsid section)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

if i dont use madVR for example and only use EVR for Renderer and if i dont use SVP my CPU and GPUs usages are pretty low but once i use SVP even with low values on X custom profiles, CPU and GPUs goes very very high!!

It's strange. Have you tried "full-screen exclusive mode"?

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Hi, Chainik, how are you?

Yeah i did but its the same. Im thinkin once i finish my Guide, i will record a video ( i need a cam ) of my system and how it work with all of this and post it here so you and all ppls can see how this work good for me smile.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

i need a cam
You need a fast cam. At least 60 fps wink

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

hahah yeah sad well i just have a Sony Handycam DCR-SR45 so 480p but i will use it zoom and windows Magnifier in the most important parts to make it more clear.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Main Post updated.

Some errors with " English " was corrected haha sorry, i said that my english is not so good so i want to THANK to this user " Itchywolf " , who sent me a PM telling me and thanking me , how good was this guide for him big_smile.

He also said me: " I can't thank you enough for helping me get SVP running smooth as silk on my computer, I'm going insane watching all my videos in amazing quality "

Thank you very much man im really happy see that this worked for someone smile. Greetings from Venezuela.

BTW High Quality is still WIP because new Release of Lav Filters v0.47 i need to test new things. I will post my SVPs custom profiles soon.


61 (edited by Maken1 25-02-2012 05:34:19)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Chainik i want to show you this:

1- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + EVR CP by Renderer + Nvidia drivers 285.79 and this is the result:

Death Race 2 x264 720p BDRip DTS ( see the attachment file for complete info about the movie )
sad  yikes  hmm  mad  roll :S

2- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + madVR + Nvidia drivers 285.79 and this is the result:

3- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + EVR CP by Renderer + Nvidia drivers 285.79 + SVP + My SVPs custom profiles ( with moderated settings ) and this is the result:
This is insane  mad  roll  hmm  sad  seriously, in the past i was always able to play this kind of file with old nvidia drivers.

4- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + madVR + Nvidia drivers 285.79 + SVP + My SVPs custom profiles ( with moderated settings ) and this is the result:
Much better now!!!  smile  lol  cool  big_smile big_smile, no more SVPs OSD telling me LOW PERFORMANCE, no more framedrops big_smile, everything ok and smooth!!.

5- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + EVR CP by Renderer + Nvidia drivers 285.79 + SVP + My SVPs custom profiles ( with moderated settings ) and this is the result:

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen IMAX Edition x264 FullHD 1080p BDRip DTS HD MA with high video bitrate ( see the attachment file for complete info about the movie )
Horrible!!  sad  mad  roll  hmm :S imposible, in the past was almost the same even with good nvidia drivers. This movie in the past, was a pain for my pc and more in use with SVP.

6- Using the W.I.P Makens High Quality Config + madVR + Nvidia drivers 285.79 + SVP + My SVPs custom profiles ( with moderated settings ) and this is the result:
big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  but!!! finally now is different!!!!! big_smile btw im still watching this movie again and i cant stop it, i like this movie anyway but more now with SVP!!!! .
So again THANKS TO SVP!!!!!!!!!!!, thanks to PotPlayer, madVR, Lav Filters, etc. And to me, i was working on my overclocking for make my pc more faster, my windows more faster, find and create the best HD Playback solution for my condition and system and now there is big_smile. Something that was almost imposible in the last year, now is different big_smile.


If i can do this with my old PC, then you that have something better than me big_smile i hope ( or i guess XD ), it will be nothing, nothing for your system.

Post's attachments

Death Race 2.txt 2.48 kb, 1570 downloads since 2012-02-24 

TF2ROTF.txt 4.19 kb, 1671 downloads since 2012-02-24 

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Cool  big_smile  But this's totally abnormal.
My guess is there're some heavy pixel shaders (like "sharpen complex") turned on and since they work on EVR c/p but not on madVR you've got what you've got.

And how it works with EVR non c/p?

63 (edited by Maken1 25-02-2012 15:46:20)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

hahahah yeah Chainik but it work for me smile. All started once Nvidia released the lastest drivers sad, i was using EVR CP + SVP with no problem, with moderated CPU and GPU usages and some settings on the SVPs profiles, but the price in those times was the artifacts then thanks to the limitation of my system, was unable to use some settings and forced to sacrifice more smooth for less artifact with fast motions. Once i discovered madVR or lets say USE it then all change for better. All of this was the combination i did shown on my guide and some other things. I dont know if is there one file or whatever that i still not figure out, thats why i created this guide to see if this work the same for someone as it does with me.

Emm no i was not using Shaders like Sharpen complex ? , no Deband, no Picture Post-Proce, no denoise, etc. Nothing about picture post-proce on FFDSHOW, you mean that right?

you can use some picture post-procesing or filters with FFDSHOW RAW VIDEO FILTER with madVR, i mean i can enable deband, sharpen, noise and more.

I got sharpen for example from madVR.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Nothing about picture post-proce on FFDSHOW, you mean that right?

Nope, I mean post processing pixel shaders in PotPlayer itself ('S' hot-key). As far as I know they works only with EVR c/p, so if you've got some heavy shaders there turend on you'll see high GPU load with EVR and much less with any other render including madVR.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

ohhhhhhh ok ok i understand now. No chainink, no post proce pixel shaders from potplayer was enable, i never use them, thats why i turned off in PotPlayer > Preference > Built-in Video processing filter settings > Condition = DISABLE . This to avoid that, that PotPlayer use any pixel shader, once you disable it, nothing on PotPlayer > Preference > Video section no work anymore.
If i want X pixel shader then i use ffdshow raw video filter that work perfect with EVR CP and madVR as well. But for my test all pixel shaders from FFDSHOW was DISABLE or no in-use. I got Sharpness from madVR, i use FFDSHOW RAW VIDEO FILTER for give more Color or if i want to use Deband or for Deinterlacing Interlaced material.

I will test with EVR only ( no CP ) then i will tell you how its going.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

thats why i turned off in PotPlayer > Preference > Built-in Video processing filter settings > Condition = DISABLE

I think you still don't get me  hmm

67 (edited by Maken1 25-02-2012 16:39:18)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Ok what you need me to show you on X part if is what you re saying is in use or no ?

Btw i want to comment you something apart of EVR CP, in the past before i discovered your SVP, i remember got artifacts in some parts of X video or movie, always i playback that part then was some kind of artifact in X part of the picture, then if i use for example PowerDVD v.XXXXXX with that video or movie and playback again just that part then NO ARTIFACTS. I forget to say that it was with KMPlayer, if i change the Video Renderer for example to VMR 9 Renderless or madVR then no more artifacts in that part, thats why i stopped to use EVR CP since i have this PC.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

I mean this:

This's the only thing that can load GPU with EVR c/p. And it's always not in use with madVR.

Post's attachments

px.jpg, 100.43 kb, 787 x 547
px.jpg 100.43 kb, 6667 downloads since 2012-02-25 

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

YEs Chainik it was and its same like in your image with me. I never use something from that part even when i was using in the past KMPlayer and now with PotPlayer is the same.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

OK, I give up then  big_smile
Lets just admit that for extremely overclocked Core2Duo + two low-end video cards in SLI madVR is the best choice wink

71 (edited by Maken1 25-02-2012 17:05:33)

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

hahah come on man, sorry if i dont understand you much like you want, remember im not a pro on this like you, thats why im here to learn and asking smile. I just wonder if i use EVR CP then one of these got enable by default? i mean without if i go to Video, etc etc then tick one of these Pixel Shaders?. Then you say that with madVR, the potplayers pixel shaders not work and i understand that part.

Look before find this website and your amazing program, i was always using EVR CP by Renderer + CoreAVC + PotPlayer of course and old and good ones Nvidia Drivers ( drivers that you SVP Team are recommending and showing to us with true Graphics their performance comparison ). My Cpu and Gpus usage was very low, but ONCE NVIDIA release the those drivers that screwed up the OpenCL right? and then once i discovered your SVP and started to use it with PotPlayer + EVR CP by Renderer + lastest Nvidia Drivers all change to that. If i rollback to one of the Nvidia drivers recommended by you SVP Team, then i can use EVR CP + SVP + etc but i cant do that because i play games, i have this SLI, old drivers dont have the update SLI Profiles for the new games then my performance with them are very poor.   I hope you understand me now.

" Lets just admit that for extremely overclocked Core2Duo + two low-end video cards in SLI madVR is the best choice smile " haha and you forget to say + lastest Nvidia Drivers sad lol.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

I only said that for most people madVR consumes more resources than EVR wink

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Ok yeah, more with the fact that you need a powerful GPU if you want to use the best for the highes image quality. But because i said, that problem since Nvidia released those drivers, all changed to bad for me, i cant use EVR CP anymore without have those insane Gpus usages and in especial with your SVP. I discovered that madVR can help me with my problem, then thanks to it, i can use SVP again and much better than before.

Btw i want to comment you something apart of EVR CP, in the past before i discovered your SVP, i remember got artifacts in some parts of X video or movie, always i playback that part then was some kind of artifact in X part of the picture, then if i use for example PowerDVD v.XXXXXX with that video or movie and playback again just that part then NO ARTIFACTS. I forget to say that it was with KMPlayer, if i change the Video Renderer for example to VMR 9 Renderless or madVR then no more artifacts in that part, thats why i stopped to use EVR CP since i have this PC.

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

I forget to say that it was with KMPlayer

"EVR CP" isn't a standard OS component, it's an interface that allows anyone to extend EVR, add some features and so on. So  the actual performance of EVR CP may varies on different players and even different builds of one player.
What's going on with MPC-HC in your case?

Re: MakeN PotPlayer Guide - Not Dead Yet 2021 W.I.P.

Thanks Maken for the great guide! Worked perfect for me. I have a 2 year old Toshiba Laptop with a 1.6ghz i7-720QM but it usually boosts itself up to 1.8 to 2.1ghz depending on what settings I use in madVR and SVP. Video card is a GeForce 360M. It's Low/Mid-range, for a laptop. I have it plugged into a 42" Philips LCD thru the HDMI. For sound I'm using my onboard realtek using the optical SPDIF to my 7.1 receiver.

I found Makens guide, and SVP, when I was googling how to use MadVR with PotPlayer. I had never even heard of SVP before. When I used your MadVR settings, with SVP turned off, I really didn't see much difference in my GPU/CPU usage compared to EVR CP (With bicubic PS2=1x) but I liked the quality I saw with madVR, it's funny because I can't stop "screwing around" with madVR and SVP to see what kind of quality/performance ratio I can get away with without frying my laptop.

Personally, I don't care for the 24 to 60 1m 2.5x framerate setting, it looks too much like it's being fast forwarded (It sure looks cool though, I just can't get used to it) so I stick with 1.5x usually... My SVP-index tends to fluctuate between .99 and 1.04... Is that normal? I can't really tell it's doing it, I just noticed it in the graphs... I've also been changing my madVR settings from Bilinear to Bicubic, sometimes I even like the Mitchell-Netravali custom Pixel Shader personally, and the SoftCubic one seems to do wonders with lower rez SD videos... I did try to use EVR CP a few hours ago, and it seemed to work great... until I noticed my Audio/Video was WAY out of sync... So I went back to madVR... I think I like madVR better than EVR CP, personally, but yeah it's a bummer the pixel shaders don't work in potplayer, I don't seem to need them though as the quality seems perfect.

Thanks again for putting so much time and effort into your guide Maken! Thanks to the SVP Team for their hard work as well! The images you attached were perfect and a big help Maken. Like I said, I was surprised to learn english was not your primary language, I just assumed you were in a hurry or using l33t h4x0r speak LOL! I'm talking too much and rambling now, sorry, I'm just so happy with how my movies look now I'm like a kid in a candy store!


I'm including a screenshot to show this guide worked great for me, even though like I said, I've been playing with the settings a little bit. Transformers 3 @ 1080p. I turned the quality of the jpg down a little to save on bandwidth. I have a slow internet connection. Thank you Maken and thank you very much SVP-Team! Awesome Guide for an Awesome program!

Ignore the gap in the CPU Graph, I screwed up my 1st screen cap, stopped and started the movie again. My CPU Temp(Celsius) and GHZ are shown in the lower right corner in green by my clock. Yes, I know, she runs hot. roll