1 (edited by jaytrinitron 11-09-2015 22:11:35)

Topic: auto-select profile in madvr based on SVP

Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I tend to watch both anime and movies and use svp when watching anime. As such, my movie madvr settings are not applicable to my svp and madvr combined settings. I was wondering, is there a way for me to use the madvr profile auto select feature to select a madvr profile when svp is active?

If not, could i set up a keyboard shortcut that would then trigger the svp-ready madvr profile?

2 (edited by Mystery 22-09-2015 01:52:51)

Re: auto-select profile in madvr based on SVP

This question is related to madVR, not SVP.

to answer your question, in madVR, you can assign a keyboard shortcut for every profile. Thus, you can create 2 profiles for the same resolution and easily switch from one to the other.

Additionally, madVR just added "smoothMotion" bool to the profile rules. I don't know if it says whether SVP is active, or if it's only related to madVR's internal SmoothMotion. You'd have to test that out.

Re: auto-select profile in madvr based on SVP

Oh I see, Thanks then. Sorry for posting this in the wrong place.