Topic: SVP for games?

Do you think it would technically be possible for video games to implement motion interpolation to increase its framerate? On a 60hz display, it would be much easier for the graphic card to generate only 30fps and then generate 30 extra frames to make it fluid. And, those frames would be of higher quality than if trying to directly render 60fps. On 120hz displays it would make an even greater difference.

Do you think we'll see something like this in the future? Is it a technically feasible idea?

(I know, not with SVP, video games don't support AviSynth tongue)

Re: SVP for games?

Real-time Frame Rate Up-conversion for Video Games (Siggraph 2010)

Re: SVP for games?

Interesting. This was presented in 2010 and still hasn't been implemented. Has there been any progress since? I suppose they need time to properly implement the technology. Ideally, this would best be implemented at the DirectX level.

Re: SVP for games?

Why you ask?
Use google. And tell us about progress of this technology. smile