Topic: Flash Video Compatibility

I would, if possible, love to see support for Flash movies added. I'm not talking about videos delivered through a flash player such as YouTube or Vimeo, but rather vector animations that were common before the days of mainstream internet video. Each flash video consists of manually defined shapes and key frames. These key frames are used to determine inbetweening, or interpolation, motion effects. Since movements, shape transformations, etc are all based on keyframes (scrolling backgrounds and zooms for example) I feel that this type of application would be great for SVP. After all, the motion extrapolation algorithms are indeed vector-based.

This software does an excellent job at upscaling raster videos, but there is a whole host of good stuff from years past (Weebls-stuff, Ebolaworld, Homestar Runner, Newgrounds, etc.) and many of those use low frame rates (one series uses only 12fps) due to performance limitations of yesterday's machines.

What are your thoughts, and has anyone considered attempting to improve old Flash movies in this way?

Re: Flash Video Compatibility

de-compile it then change target frame rate and compile it back  hmm
it's the only option