Topic: Cheapest hardware upgrade to be able to use SVP

Hey guys!

I have an HTPC/Homeserver with a Sandy Bridge Celeron G1610 running as my main media playing environment. I have no discrete GPU yet and SVP naturally does not work how it should. Now I was thinking of upgrading my Setup so that it allows me to play all my media (also 1080p h264 mkv) with SVP enabled. I got a little confused on the hardware recommendations here, so I have a few questions.
So what would be the cheapest upgrade I can do that also does not raise the power consumption too much as my server is nearly running 24/7.
Would a discrete GPU be enough or do I have to upgrade the processor as well?
And if so, would a switch to AMD APUs make more sense?

Hopefully you can give me some pointers.

Re: Cheapest hardware upgrade to be able to use SVP

Did you pass SVPmark test to measure productivity of your system?
I don't see your results in online database.

Re: Cheapest hardware upgrade to be able to use SVP

I just added my results.

Re: Cheapest hardware upgrade to be able to use SVP

And what you choosed after look to your test results and after compare them to anothers?