Topic: Runtime error and Memory leak in video player


I get memory leak error when I play 2560x1440 60fps fraps encoded videos on a 2560x1440 120hz monitor. If I run the video several times, I eventually only get the Visual C++ runtime error and not memory leak error (maybe windows expands the working set of MPC? hmm im no programmer big_smile

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debuginfo.txt 1.71 kb, 1381 downloads since 2013-07-06 

LastErrorLog.txt 13.22 kb, 610 downloads since 2013-07-06 

Re: Runtime error and Memory leak in video player

I get memory leak error when I play 2560x1440 60fps fraps encoded videos on a 2560x1440 120hz monitor
2560x1440 is a huge size. It is real problem of x86 architecture.
SVP for now works only with x86 applications.
It is not memory leak it is memory out of bounds for x86 applications.

You can decrease used memory size:
- by decreasing threads number;
- by decreasing motion vectors precision;
- by changing of splitter/decoder/renderer.

You can control memory used size by SVP performance graphs window.

3 (edited by aka.mecha 12-09-2013 18:20:29)

Re: Runtime error and Memory leak in video player

Decreasing motion vector precision from half pixel to one pixel worked but my CPU or GPU is still too slow to interpolate the video to 120fps. So I simply exit the svp manager each time I wanto play back 1440p footage. I hope you support 64bit in the future, maybe broadwell E and geforce GTX 980 can interpolate 1440p to 120fps

I have a 3930k at 4.3ghz and a geforce gtx 680.

Re: Runtime error and Memory leak in video player

3930k at 4.3ghz and a geforce gtx 680

it should work (*) if it fits into memory
1440p frame square is just 1.7 times larger than 1080p

it should work for 24-30 fps sources for interpolating to any framerate
you issue is not 1440p but 60 fps source

predefined settings're for 24 fps video
you're now trying to use i7-2600K settings for 1080p@24 on 1440p@60 which is like 1.7*2=3.4 times harder than 1080p@24, and you CPU is just 2 times faster than 2600k

if you really need to convert 60 to 120 you need to cut the "search" part of the algorithm by two
try these steps, one by one:
- turn off "decrease grid step"
- set "motion vectors precision" to "two pixels"
- lower the "motion vectors grid" value