Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

You need to "calibrate" your SVP settings smile Action called reset profiles.
SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults - OK - Yes.

You have analog monitor 1024 x 768 @ 85.252.
I recommend to you next things:
1. Choose in PotPlayer hardware accelerated decoder + ffdShow raw filter (see Daum PotPlayer with DXVA). It will reduce CPU load.
2. Open SVP profile settings window for 1920x1080, 1920x800 and 1280x720. Change Decrease frame size option from Disabled to To screen size. It will reduce CPU load.
3. Use multiple refresh rate for each video: For example 75 Hz for 25 fps video, 72 Hz for 24 fps video, 71.928 for 23.976 fps video. It will reduce CPU load and mask artifacts.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ @2613 MHz [2 threads]
Real-life: FG455
It sufficient to view the content smoothly in 1280x720p and 1920x1080p ???
Yes. FG455 It is too low for FullHD. But you have not FullHD screen. You can resize 720p and 1080p to your screen size before SVP calculating. See recommendations above wink

52 (edited by dupcengier28 20-03-2013 04:58:21)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

why despite the fact that the video decoder settings I have checked everywhere ffdshow WMV files are decoded by LAV Video decoder ??? … yvideo.png … 20aLAV.png
also flv files decoded by Video Codec / Transform (FFmpeg Decoder (VP8)) … 0kodek.png
Best Regards.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

ffdShow has its own settings for each format.

If you want to use then enable them.

Post's attachments

ffdShow_WMV.png, 20.08 kb, 568 x 479
ffdShow_WMV.png 20.08 kb, 743 downloads since 2013-03-20 

54 (edited by dupcengier28 20-03-2013 05:18:43)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

i set enable in options ffdshow decoder but doesn't work for adobe flash file video ,still continue to adobe flash video file decoder by Video Codec / Transform (FFmpeg Decoder (VP8)) … fdshow.png … how_v1.png
Best Regards.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

ffdshow decoder but doesn't work for adobe flash file video
FLV1 is very old format (and old container). All todays online video have new FLV4 container. It can contain VP6, VP8, AVC video streams formats. Try to enable this formats or use another decoder.
I use MPC-HC player, MPC FLV Source splitter and LAV Video decoder. It works.

Post's attachments

LAV_formats.png, 17.47 kb, 639 x 513
LAV_formats.png 17.47 kb, 706 downloads since 2013-03-20 

56 (edited by dupcengier28 20-03-2013 18:24:56)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

i select libavcodec on ffdshow panel and still doesn't work sad any ideas to solve this problem ??? issue concerns VP8 … niaflv.png
Why PotPlayer still load to decoder VP8 file Video Codec/Transform (Dekoder FFmpeg (vp8) ) ??? … 0kodek.png … oTinfo.png … nfo_v1.png … rzania.png … kdane_.png … rzania.png … opliku.png … 032013.png … ittery.png
Best Regards.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

Try this:

But I think it can not help. PotPlayer do not provide ability to use external decoder for VP8.

Why you so much want to enable ffdShow decoder for VP8? LAV is better. Internal PotPlayer's decoder is the same (ffmpeg).

Post's attachments

ffdShow_Merit_VeryHigh.png, 17.13 kb, 568 x 479
ffdShow_Merit_VeryHigh.png 17.13 kb, 694 downloads since 2013-03-20 

PotPlayer_BuiltinDecoder_VP8.png, 15.29 kb, 596 x 546
PotPlayer_BuiltinDecoder_VP8.png 15.29 kb, 736 downloads since 2013-03-20 

58 (edited by dupcengier28 21-03-2013 00:13:49)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

Hello, Is that correct ??? … tewflv.png
but when is played VP8 file i see … nsform.png
still using Video Codec /Transform (Dekoder FFmpeg (vp8) ) ....
Best Regards.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

Is that correct ???
Maybe. LAV is fast enough and has more abilities to use different types of hardware acceleration. But we have good working instruction what recommends another settings: Daum PotPlayer with DXVA, see ALL pictures.

You may use what you like better. wink
As I can see, PotPlayer has always enabled built-in decoder for VP8. I can't disable it. I use another player: MPC-HC. I like it. There I can use LAV decoder for VP8.
BTW I do not see anything wrong with that PotPlayer uses built-in decoder.

I can't understand what you want from me. hmm

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

MAG79 very thanks for help and advice smile Best Regards.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

I'm not sure where to post this but, I'm having an issue on windows 8.1 64 bit and was wondering if someone could help.
Here's the error message :

Error: Error preparing smooth playback! Script error:
Crop: Destination width is 0 or less.
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 35)
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 55)
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 4)

21:14:42.352; RefreshSVP
21:14:42.356; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video... issue

First disable croping. SVP tray menu - Frame crop - Disabled.
Disable autocrop. SVP tray menu - Frame crop - uncheck Auto crop black bars.
And disable stereo mode. SVP tray menu - Stereo mode (3D) - Plain 2D.
Does the error still here?

If this not helps then show your additional info after error. SVP tray menu - Informaton - Additional information.