(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Latest Nvidia drivers v378.66 doesn't work for me with SVP (like the previous one). It seems that PhysX also doesn't work (GPU-Z shows no PhysX support from GPU, FluidMark shows only CPU PhysX).
Any workaround?

Edit: Works with new hotfix

sorry, mr Chainik (i know you are bored answering questions for noob users wink). I have managed to make it work in potplayer (i have ffdshow raw video filter in filter priority (overall), i change it to filter priority (preset-specific) and it works now).
Thank you for quick answer

Frame interpolation engine (64-bit) from SVP installer? I have already installed it

Hi everyone
Can you tell me how to configure my player (potplayer, mpc-hc,be) for use with 64-bit svp?
I have downloaded potplayer x64, mpc both versions (x64 of course), set ffdshow raw filter but in SVP i have 'No active playback' (32bit versions working ok)
Can you help me?
And thanks for your great work!