(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thank you! Works perfectly now.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

This really needs to be fixed.

Obviously there's a stray registry entry or file that is associated with the account that ran the installer. It is clear the option to "install for all users" is not working correctly. This should not be a terribly difficult problem to fix.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

How does every other installer do it then? You might consider switching to another installer provider.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Is it normal for usual user?

Not sure what you mean. I'll repeat the problem: SVP lite will run fine as a normal user, provided that same user account type is changed to admin before the install (and you can change it back to standard afterward). If a standard user tries to use UAC to elevate to a separate admin account, running SVP lite as the standard user can't find ffdshow.

In any OS, the security model revolves around there being at least two accounts: a standard user and an admin account. UAC is basically the equivalent of 'sudo' from linux. It allows any standard user to run installers as the admin (or "root") account that exists on the system. SVP lite will not install properly in this way, forcing the standard user to change his own account type. This is a HUGE security problem.

Do you really think we need to fix it?

Yes. The process of cleaning up after the installer's inability to properly install grossly defies the established security model of *any OS ever* and users should not be asked to mess with such things.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

This is not the issue. This happened to me on an old account I converted from Admin to User as well. And if what you are saying is true, then converting the new account to admin would not solve the problem. But it does.

Instead of trying to argue with me about this, why don't you say... try to replicate the issue and then actually fix it?


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Rimsky wrote:

I created a new limited user account. SVP REFUSES to acknowledge that ffdshow is installed unless run as admin

a) becouse a new limited user account hav't rights to access to registry section HKLM\SOFTWARE\GNU\ffdshow\
b) becouse new user account hav't registry section HKCU\Software\GNU\ffdshow\ where installer make some magic

That shouldn't matter. The installer is not run as the limited user- it requires elevation and is given admin privileges. So the installer is failing to set up SVP properly in a multi user environment where one of the users is not an admin.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Back again.

I created a new limited user account. SVP REFUSES to acknowledge that ffdshow is installed unless run as admin. The option to install settings "for all users" does not resolve the issue.

The only way to get SVP to work is to make the user account admin, and install svp under the account now with admin privs, then set the account standard again and it will work.

Something is screwed up with your installer


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP lite cannot be installed as a standard user. It requires admin access to install, like any installer would.

As for "a new version of the DPC latency utility"- don't hold your breath. They have been "working" on it for over a year.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Everything was installed as the standard user, using UAC elevation to another user when necessary.

I think the problem is, the SVP installer requires admin access, but when the installing user is not admin, the config goes under users\admin instead of users\averagejoe

I reinstalled SVP with my regular account upgraded to admin, then downgraded to regular user and it works.

Side question- what's the 4GB patch for, and why is dpclatency installed with SVP? It should be noted that DPC latency gives garbage data under windows 8.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hmm, I'll have to look into this again- on a separate computer, SVP was installed with an admin user, which I later demoted to standard user. And it works fine in standard user mode.


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If you try to run SVP as a standard user, it cannot find ffdshow and refuses to run. Is there any way around this? You should not need to run this as admin all the time.


(23 replies, posted in Using SVP)

What are you talking about? The latest stable 32bit version is 2.5.8, the latest x64 compile is 2.5.8.

Nothing is 'dead' here except avisynth itself, which hasn't seen any progress in years.


(23 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Why not compile the SVP plugin in x64? If you have the tools, just do it. ffdshow x64 exists, and avisynth x64 exists (unofficially, but it's still there). All the pieces are there.

"No inherent benefit to x64" is something I hear often- but there are two issues with that.

1) x64 WILL phase out x86 sooner or later. Eventually, x86 will be completely unsupported, as 16 bit is today. I'm aware this is a few years off, but it would be awesome if developers took a proactive stance on this. You never know when a dev will get distracted by life and abandon a project, or declare it "as good as it's going to get" and stop updating. Supporting x64 asap will allow users in the future to continue using this should SVP cease development.

2) Just because *your* code doesn't benefit from x64, doesn't mean other software won't, and one 32 bit component necessitates ALL related components be 32 bit. Somewhere down the line there's bound to be a part that benefits from x64. Many devs refusing to support x64 never consider this... Case in point: windows media player 32 bit cannot handle libraries larger than 3000 or so items without locking up and often crashing. x64 WMP does not have this problem. QED, SVP not supporting x64 cripples the use of WMP's library features.

Yeah, it would just show invalid script up in the corner. No error, no line number.

I did manage to get a script working from somewhere else! but as Chainik suggested, using the manager is just easier.

I did manage to get it working with my codec pack, so I'm all good smile

Although I'm a little sad that I have to use x86 mpchc


I use shark007 codecs and it *uses* ffdshow, but the installation is slightly different. I think that the ffdshow version is x64... Ultimately, I would just like to use the SVP avs script in the ffdshow from shark007 and not have to install SVP at all (only the required dlls), because shark007 offers many features I would be missing otherwise.

However, I can't get the script to work. I currently have SVP installed (with madvr, haali, ffdshow, mpchc x86) and shark007 is not installed while I try to

SVP works. I exit SVP, paste the script into ffdshow (copied from travolter and MAG79), and all I get is "invalid script!" no matter what changes I make.

My system is high end (i7 and nvidia GTX680) so I can use the best quality settings...  I do watch anime, but the anime settings from your wiki cause worse issues than the artifacts at default settings! I would rather have some messed up lines than the weird cloud that forms around moving objects in otherwise still frames (which basically is 90% of any given anime).

Anyway, baby steps. What is wrong with this script?

# This script was generated by SmoothVideo Project (SVP) Manager.
# Check http://www.svp-team.com for more details.
global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+2
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\Plugins\svpflow1.dll"")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\Plugins\svpflow2.dll")
Framerate<=30 && Framerate>=29 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=24 && Framerate>=23 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=25 && Framerate> 24 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=50 && Framerate> 49 ? Eval("""
""") : NOP
abc = FramerateNumerator(last)*num2
def = FramerateDenominator(last)*den2
global crop_params=""
global resize_string=""
global super_params="{scale:{up:2},gpu:0,rc:true}"
global analyse_params="{block:{w:8,h:8,overlap:0},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,distance:-6,satd:false,bad:{sad:2000}},type:2,distance:0}},refine:[{thsad:65000}]}"
global smoothfps_params="{rate:{num:"+string(abc)+",den:"+string(def)+"},algo:11,block:true,scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}"
global demo_mode=0
########## BEGIN OF MSMoothFps.avs ##########
# This file is a part of SmoothVideo Project (SVP) 3.1.3
# This is NOT the full AVS script, all used variables are defined via 
# JavaScript code that generates the full script text.
function interpolate(clip src)        
    input = crop_params=="" ? src : eval("src.crop("+crop_params+")")
    input = resize_string=="" ? input : eval("input."+resize_string)
    super=SVSuper(input, super_params)
    vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input)
    smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="www.svp-team.com")
    return demo_mode==0 ? smooth : demo(input,smooth)
    stereo_type==0 ? eval(""" interpolate(input)
""") :     stereo_type==1 || stereo_type==3 ? eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,input.width/2,0))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(input.width/2,0,0,0))
        StackHorizontal(lf, rf)
""") :     stereo_type==2 || stereo_type==4  ? Eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,0,input.height/2))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(0,input.height/2,0,0))
        StackVertical(lf, rf)""") : input
########### END OF MSMoothFps.avs ###########