James, if you were suggesting that I "provide the full script", I did, except that after adding the one new line I did not supply the script again.

Will try your idea of removing all SetMTMode lines.  (But this WAS working weeks ago.  Maybe since then was when I made the change from AviSynth to, which I needed to do for other reasons.)

Made no difference.  Double checked that I had saved the avs file and totally restarted Vdub.

When I added the line, I copy pasted from your post above (no re-typing).

Gamedrop-v4 was working pretty good for me (I think) back when I was using it.  Need to start using it again, but when I run it, the video window shows the image with text at the top saying:
"I don't know what "fix_clip" means ([ScriptClip], line 2)"

In the couple months since I was last using it, I HAVE made changes to my environment.  What is this telling me is wrong, please?  (My code is below.)

global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=2
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+10

#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow2.dll")


miniW = int(width/64)*32
miniW = (miniW<320) ? 320 : miniW
miniH = int(height/64)*32
miniH = (miniH<160) ? 160 : miniH
mini=BicubicResize(miniW,miniH).TemporalSoften(1, 1, 0, scenechange=1, mode=2)
vectors_mini=SVAnalyse(super_mini, analyse_params_mini)
vectors_Forward=SVConvert(vectors_mini, false)
HorizontalSpeed_luma=mini.MMask(vectors_Forward, kind=3).convertToRGB32().PointResize(miniW/8, miniH/8).PointResize(miniW/4, miniH/4).ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=128, v=128)
VerticalSpeed_luma=mini.MMask(vectors_Forward, kind=4).convertToRGB32().PointResize(miniW/8, miniH/8).PointResize(miniW/4, miniH/4).ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=128, v=128)

luma_drop=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-1, u=128, v=128)



    GoodContrast = (max(mini.YPlaneMinMaxDifference,mini.trim(1,0).YPlaneMinMaxDifference)>20) ? 1 : 0

    drop = (MaxLuma<0.1 && MaxLuma*2<Max(MaxLuma_prev,MaxLuma_next) && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 1 : 0

    drop_lft = (AvgLuma_lft_prev*AvgLuma_lft_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_lft*move_idx)<Max_lft && abs(AvgLuma_lft)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 2 : 0
    drop_rgh = (AvgLuma_rgh_prev*AvgLuma_rgh_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_rgh*move_idx)<Max_rgh && abs(AvgLuma_rgh)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 3 : 0
    drop_top = (AvgLuma_top_prev*AvgLuma_top_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_top*move_idx)<Max_top && abs(AvgLuma_top)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 4 : 0
    drop_btm = (AvgLuma_btm_prev*AvgLuma_btm_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_btm*move_idx)<Max_btm && abs(AvgLuma_btm)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 5 : 0
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_lft==Max_all) ? drop_lft : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_rgh==Max_all) ? drop_rgh : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_top==Max_all) ? drop_top : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_btm==Max_all) ? drop_btm : drop
    drop_dif = (dif<0.4 && MaxLuma<min_move) ? 6 : 0
    drop = (drop==0 && drop_dif>0) ? drop_dif : drop
    drop = (drop>0 && Max_all<0.1) ? 0 : drop
    drop = (drop>0 && GoodContrast==0) ? 0 : drop


    drop = (drop>0 && max_luma<16.5) ? 0 : drop

    (drop>0) ? luma_drop : \
     (Max_lft==Max_all) ? luma_lft : \
      (Max_rgh==Max_all) ? luma_rgh : \
       (Max_top==Max_all) ? luma_top : luma_btm

fix_r50=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-1, u=128, v=128)
fix_lr33=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-2, u=128, v=128)
fix_l50=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-3, u=128, v=128)
fix_r133=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-4, u=128, v=128)
fix_r66=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-5, u=128, v=128)

    AvgLuma_prev_= (AvgLuma_prev==AvgDrop) ? 0 : AvgLuma_prev
    AvgLuma_next_= (AvgLuma_next==AvgDrop) ? 0 : AvgLuma_next

    RightZero = (AvgLuma_prev_*MaxMulty<AvgLuma_next_) ? (AvgLuma_prev_>max_stop || AvgLuma_next_>max_stop) ? 1 : 0 : 0
    LeftZero = (AvgLuma_next_*MaxMulty<AvgLuma_prev_) ? (AvgLuma_prev_>max_stop || AvgLuma_next_>max_stop) ? 1 : 0 : 0

    drop = (AvgLuma==AvgDrop && AvgLuma_next==AvgDrop) ? -50 : 0
    drop = (AvgLuma==AvgDrop && AvgLuma_prev==AvgDrop) ? 50 : drop

    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && LeftZero==0 && RightZero==0) ? \
     AvgLuma_prev_>AvgLuma_next_*dblMulti ? -50 : \
      AvgLuma_prev_*dblMulti>=AvgLuma_next_ ? AvgLuma_next2==AvgDrop ? 50 : 33 : 50 : drop

    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && RightZero==0 && AvgLuma_next2==AvgDrop) ? -50 : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && LeftZero==0 && AvgLuma_prev2==AvgDrop) ? 66 : drop

    (drop==50) ? fix_r50 : \
     (drop==33) ? fix_lr33 : \
      (drop==-50) ? fix_l50 : \
       (drop==133) ? fix_r133 : \
        (drop==66) ? fix_r66 : drop_clip



vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params)
fix_all = SVSmoothFps(super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="www.svp-team.com")
#These are for visual debugging (the "Subtitle" clauses)
#fix50 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6).Subtitle("fix50", align=3, size=12)
#fix33 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4).Subtitle("fix33", align=3, size=12)
#fix66 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8).Subtitle("-fix33", align=3, size=12)
#fix66p = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8).Subtitle("fix66", align=3, size=12)
#fix75 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,9).Subtitle("-fix25", align=3, size=12)
#fix50n = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6).Subtitle("-fix50", align=3, size=12)
#fix133 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4).Subtitle("fix133", align=3, size=12)
#fix125 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,3).Subtitle("fix125", align=3, size=12)
fix50 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6)
fix33 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4)
fix66 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8)
fix66p = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8)
fix75 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,9)
fix50n = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6)
fix133 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4)
fix125 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,3)


    (AvgFix==r50) \
      ? (AvgFix_next2==lr33 || AvgFix_next2==l50) ? fix33 : fix50 : \
    (AvgFix==lr33) ? fix33 : \
    (AvgFix_next==lr33) \
     ? (AvgFix_prev==r66) ? fix75.trim(1,1)+fix75 : fix66.trim(1,1)+fix66 : \
    (AvgFix_next==l50) \
      ? (AvgFix_prev==lr33 || AvgFix_prev==r50) ? fix66.trim(1,1)+fix66 \
      : (AvgFix_prev==r66) ? fix75.trim(1,1)+fix75 : fix50n.trim(1,1)+fix50n : \
    (AvgFix==r66) \
      ? (AvgFix_next2==lr33 || AvgFix_next2==l50) ? fix50 : fix66p : \
    (AvgFix_next==r66) \
      ? (AvgFix_next3==lr33 || AvgFix_next3==l50) ? fix125.trim(1,0) : fix133.trim(1,0) : \


TCmullet wrote:

I wish to learn about how to use the various OverrideAlgo and OverrideArea settings so that maybe I can get rid of the double-exposure effect seen at some points when the legs are swishing forward.

I've since discovered SubJunk has a thread about InterFrame over on Doom9 and have been interacting there.  The double exposure effect was not eliminated because it needed "GPU=true" (done on hardware that has OpenCL).  As I have the answer to the mystery, it's no longer necessary to respond here to this problem.  (I also learned the differences and connections between SVP, InterFrame, SubJunk and the SVP team.)

However, I still feel it would be a good and maybe helpful thing for the various settings of OverrideAlgo and OverrideArea were documented in detail, so users could intelligently experiment with them and maybe better improve their results.

In this case here, I had mistakenly thought it was likely one of those areas that needed adjusting to solve my problem, when it was an inadequately understood functioning of the GPU switch in InterFrame.

Mystery wrote:

The instructions to run Interframe on a video are here

Mystery, that tells a noob about total install of numerous tools and Avisynth from scratch.  I thought I implied I had gotten much further than that, but I guess I left too much to "inference".  That link you gave goes into installing lots of things I don't need, MeGUI, MKVToolnix, K-lite codec pack, etc.  I don't need any of those.  I already am running my own script, having written and run numerous ones in the past (but not much with InterFrame).  Here's my script:

AviSource("D:/Video-Work/2014-NCAA-wv/Tom's-test-clip2997.2015-02.avi"   )

I request that someone can run my 21-frame video referred in that script (and the avi is linked in my post) with this script.  (The script converts from 29.97 to 59.94fps.)  Then you'll see it is running, but the leg motion is what I am hoping to fix.  (You'll see that at certain spots there are "2 legs".)  The manual (InterFrame2.html) when speaking of 3 of the values for OverrideAlgo, and says "Others - If you know them you can use them".  I am asking the authors to divulge what those other Algo values are and what they mean.  This is so I could try them out and see which ones best "follow the leg".  (Doesn't it make sense that if there are other param values to any parameter, that it would be good to share user documentation??)

But while I'm willing to experiment with those other Algo values and even some "Area" values, it would be most helpful if you expert developers of Interframe and the Algo values could please look at these few frames in my video and ADVISE what param values you feel would give the best definition to those "double-vision" legs that you can see.

Would you author(s) please load my script (and tiny .avi) into your Vdub and take a look?

It's been ages, but I'm back to trying Interframe for something.

Preliminary question is that I thought Interframe was the batch processing (for VirtualDub) counterpart to SVP.  But it appears the two are separate and use different AviSynths, SVP using 2.5.8 and Interframe using 2.6MT.  So they're not really all part of the same "package"?

I have upgraded to 2.6MT.  When I did, a problem went away.  My 222,000 frame video was only 990 frames long.  So I upgraded as the Interframe page said to (replacing the avisynth.dll I had with the one supplied at the Interframe link), and I was back to 222,000 frames.

This is good 29.97fps video, and I want to double it.  I'm supplying a very short test clip showing a person walking (21 frames).  I wish to learn about how to use the various OverrideAlgo and OverrideArea settings so that maybe I can get rid of the double-exposure effect seen at some points when the legs are swishing forward.  Animation mode seems to help, but at the great expense of the new frame not being "half way" from prior to next.

Can someone please (is this you Mag79?) download and run Interframe on the attached 21frame sample and advise??  Thanks, in advance.  Or if there's a different forum where I should be asking this, let me know.  The file is too big for this bbs, so I have it on a server of my own:
http://www.tomsgoodfiles.com/Tom's … 015-02.avi

I'm using the AviSynth version that you all at SVP-team require.

3.  It seems that each time I run a file through GameDropFix, 9 frames are lost (the output file is 9 frames shorter than the input).

I've had some results, but...

1.  I can only get about halfway through my files before VirtualDub blows up.  It always says it's in "Lagarith".   I was compensating by cutting  my Lagarith files into 2 pieces, but sometimes even that's not small enough.  Memory for Vdub starts out around 100mb+ and fluctuates upward to 500mb+ before it blows up.

2.  I've discovered that if I first covert my Lagarith file to Hufyuv, I can leave the video (2 hour program) in ONE piece, memory usage during my GameDropFix run reaches a whopping 1300mb+ but does NOT blow up.

So I guess it would seem that Lagarith is somehow defective.  I didn't want to suspect that for the longest time.  Maybe GameDropFix is testing it's limits.  Shall I proceed to contact the Lagarith author?  (By sending link to this page.)

Btw, I have 12GB of memory.  I'm wondering what it is that is leaving those "memory leak" puddles around.  After the run is finished, the memory stays tied up until I close the video file.  Can an AviSynth script have memory leaks?  If not, then could it be the DLL(s) involved?   (Mag79, you DID say that almost any software can leak memory.)  From what I understand memory leaks have to do with programs not properly releasing data items back to the operating system after they are done with them.

Can this be some other value, say, 0.15 or 0.175?  How would you describe what this is really governing?  If I didn't have the 0.1, I'd use the 0.2 and run the video through it.  There would be forward-drops that it failed to catch.  Then I'd run the new file through DoubleDrop to catch those.  But it would be really great if we could derive a simple procedure to determine the best number, hopefully avoiding doing test runs, etc..  (Sorry if I'm asking too much.)  If there's a qualitative way to describe what to look for in a video's characteristics, that would be good.  Maybe something like, "If the video was encoded from a clean source and with a lossless encoder, then use 0.1.  But if identical frames are highly non-identical strictly due to encoding artifacts, then use 0.2."  How's that for my guess?

MAG79 wrote:

...So we optimized it and shared multithreaded (MT) SVP-edition: avisynth-2.5.8-svp.zip
You need to replace avisynth.dll with version from archive.

I had already done that.

Your case is encode to x.264 (or anything else)? So encoder will use some number of threads and you can lower 'global threads' number to get maximum speed with memory leaks prevention (VD crashes).

I capture to Lagarith, then via your sweet script to reclaim lost frames I reencode to Lagarith to then await further processing.  Where exactly are the leaks occurring?  Bug in Lagarith?  Avisynth?  One of the subroutine DLLs?  Will these leaks someday get fixed?

Is this a change that would be good for everyone to put in, or should we consider it to be used only for my group of videos?

I think, no. It is individual.
Battlefield clip need 0.2
Your clip need 0.1

Oh dear.  Then how can one decide whether to use 0.2 or 0.1?  What's the difference between your "battlefield" (whatever that is) and footage I captured off a streaming video?  Are there any particular criteria we must look for?  Is this something we're never going to be able to resolve into a formula for easy use?  (And all this is only my first questions.  I have a couple more, but simpler ones after we get to end of this one.)

MAG79 wrote:

Problem not in threads count as is. Problem in memory consumption of each thread and with memory leaks.
Try to overwrite avisynth.dll in system32 from SVP bundle to SVP-edition version. It is optimized by speed and memory consumption for multithreaded use MVTools and SVPFlow plugins.

I'm not clear about what you are saying; whether you are urging me to do something or merely reporting the cause, or perhaps stating your plans.  (I hope you'll clarify.  Leaving off a suffix or a trailing 's' on a word confuses me.)

In the meantime, I DID make it through an entire file.  It ran 29-35 fps, slightly better than real time.  Thread experimentation.  Lagarith=1,global=2 worked.  Lagarith=2,global=1 not as fast.  Lagarith=1,global=3 worked but was actually slower than Lagarith=1,global=2.

I think it would be good for me to show the final script, with annotations for some of the options.  Before I do, can you please clarify some thing?  I ask them one at a time, to prevent any q.s getting lost in the shuffle.

In GameDropFix you need to reduce one constant from 0.2 to 0.1:

drop = (drop>0 && Max_all<0.1) ? 0 : drop

I found that line at approx. line # 81

Is this a change that would be good for everyone to put in, or should we consider it to be used only for my group of videos?

MAG79 wrote:

Lagarith crashes maybe because of big number of threads. Try to reduce it. The script line:

global threads=5

I had to lower it to 2 to get it to run steadily.  I have multithreading enabled in Lagarith.  I've never seen anything to indicate how many threads Lagarith might use.  I presume it's using 2, then this script uses 2.  That might be fine as I have a 4 core i5 system.

However, after running 25 minutes out of a 1 hour 45 minute run, it bombed, but not as before.  This time it's a direct VirtualDub crash.  (The prior ones were from Windows 7.  "Program has stopped running" yada yada...)  VD's best guess is "An out of bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'lagarith'... ...reading address 39543FD7.

So I guess I should treat this as needing further lowering of threads.  I'll lower it to 1, but I can't help wonder if I should disable Lagarith's multithreading instead.  Any thoughts?

I guess I'm behind the times with my biggest and best system being only a 4 core system w/no GPU power to assist.

I have some bad news.  With or without the change from 0.2 to 0.1, Lagarith crashes in VirtualDub.  Here's the info:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    VirtualDub.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    526d9abc
  Fault Module Name:    lagarith.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:    4ee00598
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    00023e4d
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    0a9e
  Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:    0a9e
  Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

This is all "greek" to me.  But it would seem odd that Lagarith would be defective as it's been stable for a long time.  Any thoughts?  It didn't blow up right away, but only after awhile.

MAG79 wrote:

Your video has low level of noise

I'm not sure if you're saying it has low when there should be none, or it's lower than one would expect.  All I can report is that I did screen capture of streaming video.

...and [not] all dropped frames are not encoded: [D]-frames in VirtualDub.

Not sure why you're bringing this up (if I understand you right). That's the way Lagarith works; if 2 frames are identical, the 2nd one is encoded with merely a pointer.  Great for slide shows.

So, these drops are clear and full match with previous frame.

Yes, and I think they would still have been a full match, even if I had not enabled Lagarith's "null frames" feature

In GameDropFix you need to reduce one constant from 0.2 to 0.1:

drop = (drop>0 && Max_all<0.1) ? 0 : drop

I find this line at approx. line # 81

Is this a change that would be good for everyone to put in, or should we consider it to be used only for my group of videos?

This 21 frame file has dupped pairs at frames 5-6, 8-9, and 14-15.  GameDrop fixes the one at 14-15, but not the two prior ones 5-6 and 8-9.   (I didn't see the 8-9 pair earlier, nor the 14-15.)  Video codec is Lagarith.
http://www.tomsgoodfiles.com/2014-11-14 … rames1.avi

(It's too big to attach, so I uploaded to my own website's server.)

I proceeded assuming I should change super_params_mini, likewise.

I've had some instances of VD blowing up with this new script GameDropFix.

But more importantly, some test frames (w/forward drop) that worked fine with DoubleDropFix are now not being seen and processed by GameDropFix at all.  Most are, and all the backward-drop frames are being fixed nicely. (Great!)

Is there some tweak I need to make to let GDF detect the same drops as DDF?

I'm not aware either of what OpenGL is or that I have such a device.  If it's graphics-related, I do not have a fancy video adapter; only what's on the mobo.

Should the corresponding line that loads super_params_mini (line 14) be changed similarly?

In my GameDropFix_v4, I get "SVSmoothFps: unable to load library given in 'compose' [C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow_gpu.dll] (line 147)".

global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+10

#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow2.dll")


miniW = int(width/64)*32
miniW = (miniW<320) ? 320 : miniW
miniH = int(height/64)*32
miniH = (miniH<160) ? 160 : miniH
mini=BicubicResize(miniW,miniH).TemporalSoften(1, 1, 0, scenechange=1, mode=2)
vectors_mini=SVAnalyse(super_mini, analyse_params_mini)
vectors_Forward=SVConvert(vectors_mini, false)
HorizontalSpeed_luma=mini.MMask(vectors_Forward, kind=3).convertToRGB32().PointResize(miniW/8, miniH/8).PointResize(miniW/4, miniH/4).ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=128, v=128)
VerticalSpeed_luma=mini.MMask(vectors_Forward, kind=4).convertToRGB32().PointResize(miniW/8, miniH/8).PointResize(miniW/4, miniH/4).ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=128, v=128)

luma_drop=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-1, u=128, v=128)



    GoodContrast = (max(mini.YPlaneMinMaxDifference,mini.trim(1,0).YPlaneMinMaxDifference)>20) ? 1 : 0

    drop = (MaxLuma<0.1 && MaxLuma*2<Max(MaxLuma_prev,MaxLuma_next) && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 1 : 0

    drop_lft = (AvgLuma_lft_prev*AvgLuma_lft_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_lft*move_idx)<Max_lft && abs(AvgLuma_lft)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 2 : 0
    drop_rgh = (AvgLuma_rgh_prev*AvgLuma_rgh_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_rgh*move_idx)<Max_rgh && abs(AvgLuma_rgh)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 3 : 0
    drop_top = (AvgLuma_top_prev*AvgLuma_top_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_top*move_idx)<Max_top && abs(AvgLuma_top)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 4 : 0
    drop_btm = (AvgLuma_btm_prev*AvgLuma_btm_next>0 && abs(AvgLuma_btm*move_idx)<Max_btm && abs(AvgLuma_btm)<=min_move && dif*y_idx<max(dif_prev,dif_next)) ? 5 : 0
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_lft==Max_all) ? drop_lft : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_rgh==Max_all) ? drop_rgh : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_top==Max_all) ? drop_top : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && MaxLuma<Max_stop && Max_btm==Max_all) ? drop_btm : drop
    drop_dif = (dif<0.4 && MaxLuma<min_move) ? 6 : 0
    drop = (drop==0 && drop_dif>0) ? drop_dif : drop
    drop = (drop>0 && Max_all<0.2) ? 0 : drop
    drop = (drop>0 && GoodContrast==0) ? 0 : drop


    drop = (drop>0 && max_luma<16.5) ? 0 : drop

    (drop>0) ? luma_drop : \
     (Max_lft==Max_all) ? luma_lft : \
      (Max_rgh==Max_all) ? luma_rgh : \
       (Max_top==Max_all) ? luma_top : luma_btm

fix_r50=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-1, u=128, v=128)
fix_lr33=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-2, u=128, v=128)
fix_l50=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-3, u=128, v=128)
fix_r133=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-4, u=128, v=128)
fix_r66=luma_lft.mt_lut(y=-5, u=128, v=128)

    AvgLuma_prev_= (AvgLuma_prev==AvgDrop) ? 0 : AvgLuma_prev
    AvgLuma_next_= (AvgLuma_next==AvgDrop) ? 0 : AvgLuma_next

    RightZero = (AvgLuma_prev_*MaxMulty<AvgLuma_next_) ? (AvgLuma_prev_>max_stop || AvgLuma_next_>max_stop) ? 1 : 0 : 0
    LeftZero = (AvgLuma_next_*MaxMulty<AvgLuma_prev_) ? (AvgLuma_prev_>max_stop || AvgLuma_next_>max_stop) ? 1 : 0 : 0

    drop = (AvgLuma==AvgDrop && AvgLuma_next==AvgDrop) ? -50 : 0
    drop = (AvgLuma==AvgDrop && AvgLuma_prev==AvgDrop) ? 50 : drop

    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && LeftZero==0 && RightZero==0) ? \
     AvgLuma_prev_>AvgLuma_next_*dblMulti ? -50 : \
      AvgLuma_prev_*dblMulti>=AvgLuma_next_ ? AvgLuma_next2==AvgDrop ? 50 : 33 : 50 : drop

    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && RightZero==0 && AvgLuma_next2==AvgDrop) ? -50 : drop
    drop = (drop==0 && AvgLuma==AvgDrop && LeftZero==0 && AvgLuma_prev2==AvgDrop) ? 66 : drop

    (drop==50) ? fix_r50 : \
     (drop==33) ? fix_lr33 : \
      (drop==-50) ? fix_l50 : \
       (drop==133) ? fix_r133 : \
        (drop==66) ? fix_r66 : drop_clip



vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params)
fix_all = SVSmoothFps(super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="www.svp-team.com")
fix50 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6).Subtitle("fix50", align=3, size=12)
fix33 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4).Subtitle("fix33", align=3, size=12)
fix66 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8).Subtitle("-fix33", align=3, size=12)
fix66p = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,8).Subtitle("fix66", align=3, size=12)
fix75 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,9).Subtitle("-fix25", align=3, size=12)
fix50n = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,6).Subtitle("-fix50", align=3, size=12)
fix133 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,4).Subtitle("fix133", align=3, size=12)
fix125 = fix_all.SelectEvery(12,3).Subtitle("fix125", align=3, size=12)


    (AvgFix==r50) \
      ? (AvgFix_next2==lr33 || AvgFix_next2==l50) ? fix33 : fix50 : \
    (AvgFix==lr33) ? fix33 : \
    (AvgFix_next==lr33) \
     ? (AvgFix_prev==r66) ? fix75.trim(1,1)+fix75 : fix66.trim(1,1)+fix66 : \
    (AvgFix_next==l50) \
      ? (AvgFix_prev==lr33 || AvgFix_prev==r50) ? fix66.trim(1,1)+fix66 \
      : (AvgFix_prev==r66) ? fix75.trim(1,1)+fix75 : fix50n.trim(1,1)+fix50n : \
    (AvgFix==r66) \
      ? (AvgFix_next2==lr33 || AvgFix_next2==l50) ? fix50 : fix66p : \
    (AvgFix_next==r66) \
      ? (AvgFix_next3==lr33 || AvgFix_next3==l50) ? fix125.trim(1,0) : fix133.trim(1,0) : \



I overcame my fear of experimenting, and even without looking up how MFlowInter works, I suspected that Subtitle is subsidiary data item WITHIN the output of MFlowInter, which allowed me to deduce that simply removing the Subtitle "dot invocation" would remove the little yellow subtitle.


My videos that need this script have another problem you might never have seen.  Would you please consider whether this enhancement is both feasible and are you willing to consider implementing it?

We know (at least we have believed) that when a frame is dropped in a capture process, the last frame successfully captured gets duplicated one time in order to replace the one that was lost.

Let's say we have a 4-frame sequence:
F1 F2 F3 F4

If Frame F3 was lost, then frame F2 is duplicated making F3 = F2.  However, I have many cases where it's F2 (!!!) that is lost.  Somehow, whatever was capturing this failed to get F2 and got F3 and make a copy backwards!  A significant percentage of my lost frames fit this pattern.

When your existing logic processes this, it drops F3 and replaces it with an interpolated one, interpolating between F2 and F4.  What we need it to do (assuming it's even possible to detect my weird scenario) is to drop F2 and interpolate between F1 and F3.

Any chance you could figure out how to make it do this??  It would be wonderful and I'd be willing to hold off longer on processing tons of footage, simply so I could correctly handling these "backward dupped" frames.

It's working now!

Best I could find of Masktools2 was here:

I didn't make the "not a clip" item clear.  The 2-liner was this:


Therefore the "not a clip" error made partial sense to me, so I had proceeded with the full script, and gotten the mt_lut error, driving us to get the needed Masktools2.

How do I prevent the "Fix-50" etc. subtitles from appearing in the frames?  Nice for debugging, but need to remove them.  (Forgive me for not being able to figure out.)

Wow, I didn't know that something like AvsPmod existed!  Cool!

When I tried the 2 liner, it fails with something like "not a clip".  Oh, so I need to paste the whole script.  When I did, it reported 'Script error: there is no function named "mt_lut" (New File, line 10)'

Even these 2 lines by themselves fail:


But (obviously) the 1st line by itself works fine.

But VD still can't open it.

I got it at your Russian thread here:
http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic … 14&p=2
HOWEVER, I see now that when I used Google Chrome to "translate to English", it messed with the code!  (This is first time I've used Chrome's "translate to English".)  I see it changed the 2nd line from "msuper" to "msup", for example.  ("Bad translator"  Slap on wrist.  Translate should not tamper with program code.)

I will use what you left here.  Thank you!