Chainik wrote:

updated instructions

should improve FPS on 4080-and-better (probably 4070 too, dunno), when performance is bound by the system's RAM bandwidth, not GPU power
i.e. for 4K playback

I have 32 GB DDR4-3200 RAM and trying to do real-time for 1080p. Grobalt said 1080p real-time should be ok on RTX 3070 laptop GPU. I can run things smoothly on mvp-lazy.

Chainik wrote:

don't do "fixed 60 fps" with RIFE

Switched to "To Screen" , Movie X2/3/4, still getting 0.75 and sound is lagging.

Realized that I need to be in the RIFE video profile. So I switched to RIFE, I activate it with the new ON/OFF switch, a window pops up with some processes, after 3 minutes it's done and... it's not working properly. I'm getting 0.75 out of 1 and sound is lagging.

grobalt wrote: … 483#p81483
and copy the onnx moel in the correct folder
you need put the *.onnx files here C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife

I followed the steps, think I did everything I was supposed to, but somehow this implementation does not seem as smooth as the mvp-lazy one. I get almost no contour artifacts for sure, but I can still see some sort of "ghost" trails and smoothness seems a bit off too. Maybe something is wrong on my side? As you can see the TensorRT is part of the Automatic profile, not sure if that's right.

grobalt wrote:

Depends on your resolution .. 1080p runs without any problem .. 2k as well ... 4k is still not fast enough

I have an RTX 3070 145 W and only have a 1080p TV.

Chainik wrote:

=== RIFE / PyTorch+TensorRT installation ===

!!! UPDATED 07-01-2023 !!!
- replaced : fp16 isntead of fp32
+ added fix for vsrife

!!! Advanced users only, if you don't know what this is all about - you don't need it !!!

0. Update SVP via online updater (this will update Python to ver. 3.10.9)

1. Dependencies installation:
Download TensorRT libs: … 2_win64.7z
unpack CUDA-blah-blah.7z to SVP 4\mpv64

run cmd as Administrator

cd SVP 4\mpv64


python -m pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url
python -m pip install tensorrt-
python -m pip install torch-tensorrt-fx-only tqdm
python -m pip install -U --no-deps vsrife
python -m vsrife

A quick fix for vsrife's "slowmo" bug: replace in SVP 4\mpv64\Lib\site-packages\vsrife\

2. SVP modification
Replace SVP 4\script\generate.js and with the attached ones

menu -> Applications settings -> Additional options -> All settings, go to 'User defined options'
Title: TensortRT; Script name: rife_trt; Other values by default - "FRC profile", "ON or OFF"
Click 'Add option'

Go to the RIFE video profile, see the added TensortRT on/off swtich.
Make a copy of the RIFE video profile, one with TensorRT ON and another with OFF.

For a given video resolution the first-time start is super-slow (while it generates TRT net in a cache folder --> %APPDATA%\SVP4\cache\trt), so better do it in a "transcoding" mode.

Do I follow this guide? Or is there a more updated one?

Is it safe to install the new RIFE stuff for SVP now? Chainik was saying that real-time was not really working, but I see you guys have been troubleshooting over the weekend. Would like to know if real-time interpolation works with the latest updates.

VeniVediVeci wrote:

Now I am using a project named mpv_lazy in github(, in Chinese), and it enables RFIE v4.6 using tensorrt. My video card is 3070 laptop and it works totally fine in 1080p real-time doubling FPS, the performance of which is much better than the SVP4. Hope the svp4 can support the trt RFIE as soon as possble.

Any guide on how to install this? I downloaded the files but doesn't seem to install it when I run install.bat. It displays some warning message in Chinese so no idea what to do.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

In fact, if someone have a sample VFR video that is not de-synced after "normal" transcoding and de-synced with RIFE - please share it
I can't see any problems with VFR videos I have.

The problem might only arise with full length videos of at least 40 minutes. Don't think I can reproduce this with a short sample.

Since my original post, I have encountered the desync problem again with another video, but that one did not show any particular stuttering to trigger the desync. It looked like the desync happened gradually over the course of at least 10 minutes.


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I recommend using MPV player. I was using MPC-HC or Daum Pot Player before and noticed frame drops from time to time no matter what settings I tried to tweak. With MPV, this problem is almost completely gone.

For interpolation method, you may want to try RIFE 4.6, but not sure if your GPU can do it in real-time. I have an RTX 3070 laptop GPU and real-time worked only a few times. Haven't tested with desktop GPUs.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

yeah, RIFE plugin may not pass variable frame durations correctly in case of non-integer interpolation factor (like 24 *2.5 = 60)
good news I know how to fix this big_smile

Hopefully this is coming soon? smile


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I tried to figure out how this works, but it being only command line is kinda tedious for me. Hope we can get some sort of basic UI soon, similar to how some text-to-image AI renderers have an internet browser-based UI.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hi, guys! Started using RIFE in SVP with MPV a few weeks ago. My laptop specs are Ryzen 5800H with 32 GB DDR4-3200 and an RTX 3070 with 145 W TGP. First time I tried RIFE with the movie Bullet Train in 1080p and it loaded instantly. I messed with the settings a bit and everything was applying instantly. Then after 2 days I tried to watch an episode of Star Girl in 1080p and loading times were a bit longer. Saw that the video had low framerate and I messed with the settings a bit. After a few minutes of messing around and changing frame size to 1080 or lower, the video started playing at 60 fps. After that, could not manage to load RIFE with 60 fps on any other video.

I understand it takes some time to load for on-the-go interpolation, but it seems like I might have messed something up. Tried to add RIFE anime model, but that does not seem to do anything. Also installed RIFE 4.6... still does not play at 60 fps. Probably need a more powerful GPU. Anyway, figured I should try transcoding the videos. I managed to transcode the latest Peripheral episode without problems (took around 4 hours). Then I transcoded the latest episode from Star Girl in around 2 h and 15 minutes before the end of the episode the video stuttered and the audio desynced a bit. Not sure what caused this. Peripheral used scene change threshold set to max, and Star Girl used threshold set to minimum... maybe this messed up things? Is there a way to fix audio desync after transcoding is done? Or maybe a way to avoid this altogether?

- Moved to a different topic -

Works for me ;P

Anyway, I'll stick with 1.7.10 build 276 for now. I'll see how the next update via SVP updater works.

OK, so I installed build 296 and 1.7.11 to separate folders and none are stuttering. Could the problem be with overwriting the existing version by the SVP updater?

I restored all settings to default, even deleted user preferences, I don't think it's because of a defaulted option.

I haven't tried the 296 build, I really wouldn't like to mess with things again.

Everything is back to normal after revert. Maybe there's some incompatibility between new MPC version and SPV?

I reverted to the version you specified and it seems the stuttering is gone. I'll be back after I watch more stuff.

Hi there!

Last night I was prompted to update the MPC to 1.7.11 and I did. After, I noticed occasional frame drops / stuttering in all videos (I usually watch 1080p content but I noticed it on DVD quality stuff as well). I reinstalled gpu drivers, SPV and MPC but I'm still getting these occasional drops, not sure what to do. Any ideas?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I don't have it either tongue I want to buy one of these however. I guess I'll compare Cinema Smooth with SVP myself and use whichever has the fewest artifacts smile Thanks for your help again  big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks for your quick reply. To your knowledge, is the SVP implementation on par with similar hardware interpolation (Cinema Smooth) done on a Samsung E6500 plasma?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hi guys, new user here!

Is Nvidia SLI supported with the latest version? I have a 2 X GTX660 Ti setup and I see only one card used when GPU acelleration is enabled. Not sure if I need 2 cards, but maybe it would help 3d movies. Also, is there a way to use CUDA compatibility?

Another small issue: I can see minor artifacts in fast moving scenes but this is very dependent on the quality of the movie. I play MKV's, some are BR rips, some are recordings from TV broadcasts. The BR-rips have few artifacts, but broadcast recordings have more, and this leads me to believe that it all depends on the quality of the source. However, is there a way to eliminate the minor artifacts? These take the form of transparent contours around people or objects in fast moving scenes, but I've also seen some artifacts on intersected lines in grills for example.

On another note, I want to gongratulate all the people working on this project. So nice to see hardware frame interpolation on the PC! Great work and keep it up! smile