i'm seing artifacts in 4.15 lite that i don't see in 4.15

is there any comparison for frame.resize ?
I mean if it downscale to 1080p, why then starting from 4k and not start with 1080p ? You're not really playing 4K then

it's strange because the wiki tells that the 4090 is capable of 4K 60fps

edit: he said that even 4.9 he can't reach more than x2, or I misunderstood

are you using v2 and "performance boost" enabled with your 4090 ?

dawkinscm wrote:

Rife v4.15 is out. It is a clear improvement over previous models for reducing double images in fast movement. I need to do some testing but I think it uses a little more GPU than previous models because even with v2 my GPU never drops below 100%. Packet drops sometimes happen when starting or when FF/REW but settles down quickly with no further drops during playback. No obvious regressions from previous tests.

where is it available ?

thank you smile

When i tried rife 4.14 v2 (i just copied the onnx file)
it gives an error on screen, and on a log file
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [W] Could not read timing cache from: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)/SVP 4/rife\models\rife\rife_v4.14.onnx.min64x64_opt1920x1088_max2560x1440_fp16_no-tf32_trt-8502_cudnn_I-fp16_O-fp16_NVIDIA-GeForce-RTX-2080_9c726c00.engine.cache. A new timing cache will be generated and written.
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Error[4]: [network.cpp::nvinfer1::Network::validate::3100] Error Code 4: Internal Error (input: for dimension number 1 in profile 0 does not match network definition (got min=11, opt=11, max=11), expected min=opt=max=7).)
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::nvinfer1::builder::Builder::buildSerializedNetwork::751] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion engine != nullptr failed. )
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Engine could not be created from network
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Building engine failed
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Failed to create engine from model or file.
[03/02/2024-21:34:57] [E] Engine set up failed

rtx 2080 driver 554.61

build in older versions of rife (like 4.4) works

edit : thank you, i missed that i should create a folder. Sorry for that. I have searched my error on the forum and this one wasn't listed ^^'

edit2: actually my 8gb rtx 2080 is not compatible with 4.14 or 4.14 lite, it tries to allocate exactly 8gb vram, but it can't as the vram already contains a little bit of something

[03/02/2024-23:38:14] [E] Error[2]: [virtualMemoryBuffer.cpp::nvinfer1::StdVirtualMemoryBufferImpl::resizePhysical::145] Error Code 2: OutOfMemory (no further information)
[03/02/2024-23:38:14] [E] Error[1]: [virtualMemoryBuffer.cpp::nvinfer1::StdVirtualMemoryBufferImpl::resizePhysical::132] Error Code 1: Cuda Driver (invalid argument)
[03/02/2024-23:38:14] [W] [TRT] Requested amount of GPU memory (8589934592 bytes) could not be allocated. There may not be enough free memory for allocation to succeed.
[03/02/2024-23:38:14] [W] [TRT] Skipping tactic 1 due to insufficient memory on requested size of 8589934592 detected for tactic 0x0000000000000001.
Try decreasing the workspace size with IBuilderConfig::setMemoryPoolLimit().

edit3: enabling "performance boost" fixes the memory problem

i don't have conditions for any of the profiles, and "automatic" (the default one ?) doesn't have  an option for conditions
adding "expert add score" to a negative value for rife fixes it, i don't know if it was there before and has been deleted by mistake.

maybe when the score is similar, use the last used one ?


Chainik wrote:
Blackfyre wrote:

Any progress at all with Dolby Vision ...

MPC Video Renderer + Avisynth Filter can now play DoVi

Hello did you saw my previous message about what I  think is a bug ? :

"on windows, every time I restart svp, it switch back to rife, and I need to reset to automatic each time.
How do I avoid this ?"

on windows, every time I restart svp, it switch back to rife, and I need to reset to automatic each time.
How do I avoid this ?