You can use standalone MPC-HC with standalone VapourSynth, I tried use embedded MPC-HC and VapourSynth but it just didn't work for me


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Never mind, thought there would be some benefits


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Will SVP update the components accordingly? And if not, how can I manually update them in my computer?


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm using 3070 and I can get 720p@120Hz with 4.14 model, 1080p@60Hz with 4.13_lite and 1440p@2xFPS with 4.13_lite. 4.9 should cost less than either 4.14 or 4.13_lite, so your 3060Ti should at least easily process 720p@60Hz or even 120Hz without any issue.

cemaydnlar wrote:

I tried both disabled and enabled performance boost for v2 but still not working. I know that normally even a 3090 would struggle but i am watching animes on a 1080p monitor and use downscaling method from svp than i upscale it back to 1080p with anime4k. I use x3.

You have to put v2 models under rife_v2 folder, not the rife one, the full path would be like C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2

reconhell wrote:

When you download new rife you get 2 folders. normal and V2, which to use?
Also which is better lite or normal rife?

I'm using 3070, v2 doesn't work at all for me, while normal one gives me a lot of stutter, I have to switch back to 4.9. I think you can just try both and see how they work.

Chainik wrote:

both profiles match any interlaced video regardless of its resolution

source frame area = A
framerate = R
interlaced = I

now you have: (A and R) or I
while you probably wanted: A and (R or I), which is equal to: (A and R) or (A and I)

Thank you!

I have created profiles for HD, FHD and UHD based on the framerate and source frame area, and they are working fine. But today when I play an interlaced video, I notice it doesn't fall into the correct profile. If I play a 1080i video, whose frame size is 1440x1080, it should fall into the FHD profile but it goes to HD profile. Can someone please let me know how to change my conditions?

I updated my SVP to the latest version and noticed that I can use RIFE 4.9 model, but after switching when generating the model files I noticed some warnings. Do they matter? How to fix them? Here is an example:

"[W] [TRT] Skipping tactic 0x0000000000000000 due to exception [] Mismatched type for tensor (UnnamedLayer_ 106) [Shuffle]_output', f16 vs. expected type:f32."

Please check the screenshots for more details.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

create an mpv's log file (--log-file option), maybe it will tell why there's no video for more than 5 secs

Thanks, it looks like my proxy software doesn't process mpv's network requests even if I setup proxy in SVPtube. If I switch to VPN mode or configure it to process all software instead of browsers only it also works. But my proxy software already sets a system level proxy, can't mpv just use that like all my other apps?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Is there anyone can help?

aloola wrote:

I tested with Scene Change threshold 6%: very stuttering on that screen.
changing Scene Change threshold to 15%: look perfectly fine.
you should always use 15% imo, below that numbers gain me almost no benefit, just make scene changing stuttering.

Thanks it works!

Generally I'm quite satisfied with RIFE because it looks smoother, but I notice if the camera moves fast, the blur is more significant then the original. Here is an example, check 1:40~1:42 of this video( with and without RIFE, you'll notice the difference. Is it because of RIFE's algorithm and is it possible to raise an issue to make it looks better?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

19:00:37.388 (i): VideoPlayer: mpv 0.35.0-dirty /via 'mpvpipe'
19:00:42.394 (W): VideoPlayer: media file doesn't look like video, ignoring...

Looks like mpv can't detect video stream from your link. Try a link to another YouTube video.

I just have tested first found link from youtube - It works.

I tried a few other videos, different uploader, different resolution, different codec, still got the same error. I remember someone says there's a 5 seconds limit? I can see the error message always shows up 5 seconds after mpvpipe


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I have installed SVP with builtin mpv 64bit, but I'm not able to open any YouTube video from SVPtube 2 plugin. If I choose my system default player which is a portable PotPlayer, I can open it correctly while SVP working correctly. Can someone let me know how to use mpv here? Please check the error log below:

19:00:15.813 [i]: Main: starting up SVP 4 Pro []... 
19:00:15.814 [i]: Main: args: none
19:00:15.814 [i]: Main: working dir is C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\
19:00:15.814 [i]: Main: data dir set to C:\Users\ortho\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\
19:00:15.815 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
19:00:15.816 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
19:00:15.816 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
19:00:15.817 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
19:00:15.817 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
19:00:15.817 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.15.1 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2019)
19:00:15.818 [i]: Main: device scale is 1.00001, user defined scale is 0
19:00:15.818 [i]: Main: system locale is [zh]
19:00:15.818 [i]: Main: preferred language is [zh-cn]
19:00:15.819 [i]: Main: setting language file to zh-cn.qm...
19:00:15.825 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
19:00:15.825 [W]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow1.dll': NOT FOUND
19:00:15.825 [W]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow2.dll': NOT FOUND
19:00:15.825 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1.dll':
19:00:15.826 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2.dll':
19:00:15.826 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1_vs.dll':
19:00:15.826 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':
19:00:15.826 [i]: Main: PYTHONPATH is C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64
19:00:15.827 [i]: OS: Windows 10 [10.0.19044]
19:00:15.829 [i]: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core [base frequency 3701 MHz, 12 threads]
19:00:15.829 [i]: Video: registry info - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
19:00:15.829 [i]: Video: reading OpenCL info...
19:00:15.847 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on NVIDIA CUDA [OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 12.0.133] (NVIDIA Corporation)
19:00:15.847 [i]: Video 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (NVIDIA Corporation, ver.528.02) [gpuID=11]: OK
19:00:15.847 [i]: Video 1: may support NV Optical Flow and RIFE/TensorRT (Compute capability: 8.6)
19:00:15.848 [i]: Video: reading Vulkan info...
19:00:16.026 [i]: Vulkan 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (+)
19:00:16.027 [i]: Memory:  32683  MB total,  16154 MB free
19:00:16.027 [i]: System: finding network settings...
19:00:16.038 [i]: Network: using system-defined proxy server
19:00:16.244 [i]: Power: AC is ON [1]
19:00:16.309 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
19:00:16.319 [i]: Screens: updating information, 1 screen(s) found
19:00:16.500 [i]: Main: preparing video profiles...
19:00:16.531 [i]: Main: preparing performance graphs...
19:00:16.610 [i]: Main: preparing ffdshow...
19:00:16.610 [i]: ffdshow: can't find 64-bit installation
19:00:16.610 [i]: Main: not using ffdshow
19:00:16.610 [i]: Main: preparing AviSynthFilter (AVSF)...
19:00:16.611 [i]: AVSF: found 64-bit version [C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\avsf\]
19:00:16.611 [i]: Main: preparing mpv...
19:00:16.612 [i]: Main: preparing remote control...
19:00:16.612 [i]: RemoteControl: started
19:00:16.612 [i]: Main: preparing main menu...
19:00:16.677 [i]: Main: loading extensions...
19:00:16.680 [i]: Extensions: found svptube ...
19:00:16.683 [i]: Settings: loading tube.cfg OK
19:00:16.695 [i]: Tube: initializing youtube_dl...
19:00:16.740 [i]: Main: initialization completed in 919 ms, but still waiting for the screens measurement...
19:00:16.878 [i]: Updates: checking now...
19:00:17.320 [i]: Tube: youtube_dl ready
19:00:18.399 [i]: Screens: screen 0 - 2560x1440 @120.000 Hz [measured], x1.0 [108 DPI]
19:00:18.399 [i]: Screens: primary screen is 0
19:00:19.263 [i]: Performance: quick estimation = 974 (previous value was 975)
19:00:36.789 [i]: Tube: video format id 313 selected
19:00:36.889 [i]: VideoPlayer: mpv [mpv.exe] connected, waiting for the video info...
19:00:37.388 [i]: VideoPlayer: mpv 0.35.0-dirty /via 'mpvpipe'
19:00:42.394 [W]: VideoPlayer: media file doesn't look like video, ignoring...