(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tanks for the best program ever made,

So I have this problem, the program have done a complete frame rate interpolation of a movie. The remuxing failed at 86 % due to not enough space on the SSD. I have now deleted some files so I have enough space. I still have the SVP.temporary.

How can I now remux the video without the need of starting with the frame rate interpolation all over again?

Thank you in advance!

Chainik wrote:

=== RIFE / PyTorch installation ===

Hi, this new way of installing RIFE gives me an error when transcoding, that I did not have when using the previous way of installing RIFE into SVP.

The error message reads:

01:05:58.980: ===== Starting mpv ======
01:05:58.980: Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64\mpv.exe C:/Users/Admin/Videos/Semifinal 1.mkv --o=C:/Users/Admin/Videos/Semifinal 1.SVP.temporary.mkv --no-audio --no-sub --no-sub-auto --input-ipc-server=mpvencodepipe --input-media-keys=no --no-msg-color --vf=vapoursynth:[C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\ffff.py]:4:16 --of=matroska --ovc=hevc_nvenc --ovcopts=b=51480000,preset=p7,maxrate=66924000,bufsize=102960000,tune=hq,time_base=1000/60000,threads=16
01:05:59.056: (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (hevc 1920x1080 25.000fps)
01:05:59.056: Audio --aid=1 --alang=sv (*) (ac3 6ch 48000Hz)
01:05:59.168: [vapoursynth] Script evaluation failed:
01:05:59.168: [vapoursynth] Python exception: No module named 'numpy'
01:05:59.168: [vapoursynth]
01:05:59.168: [vapoursynth] Traceback (most recent call last):
01:05:59.168: [vapoursynth] File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2832, in vapoursynth._vpy_evaluate
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2833, in vapoursynth._vpy_evaluate
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] File "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\ffff.py", line 10, in <module>
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] from vsrife import RIFE
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] File "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64\lib\site-packages\vsrife\__init__.py", line 3, in <module>
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] import numpy as np
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
01:05:59.169: [vapoursynth]
01:05:59.185: (!!!) Intermediate file may be broken: C:\Users\Admin\Videos\Semifinal 1.SVP.temporary.mkv
01:05:59.185: ===== mpv exited with code 62097 =====

Do you know how to solve this?

About the shoppyness. Will it occur in a different interval if you change the fps in your computer? Many have the option to change from 60 to 50 or 59. I had that issue a long time. The shoppyness occured every 17,5 seconds throughout the whole video at 59.997 and every 5 minutes at 59,937. No players could fix it. It whent so long so I even got a warranty repair from HP that did not fix the issue a week ago. But when I dragged the video into SVP some days ago, and choosed the video profile ignore HFR sources, it worked perfect. Even the colours was much better when it was transcoded using the lvfi tonemap and played with the ignore HFR sources profile and not with other players.

That can possibly be a fix.

About computers. Buying a desctop is always preferable than a laptop. The reason is becouse of the hardware throttling that they performe in laptops.

Say that you use a CPU model and a NVIDIA model in a laptop, and you have the same CPU and NVIDIA card in a desktop. The performance of the laptop will be a lot less. In the GTX series they called this throttle "Max-Q" and the NVIDIA card is not even a real extended card, it was intergrated in the motherboard in HP computers wile in desktops the NVIDIA card is an extended version with its own fan. So in the laptops you have one fan that will cool both the cpu and the NVIDIA and if the NVIDIA get to hot, then your motherboard will get damaged, and they solve that so the NVIDIA will drain lot less watts and that is why the performance is less. The intel CPU throttling is called T somthing mode. In the RTX series NVIDIA have stopped do MAx-Q models, so now it is the OEM that does them, so now you can not even see how much watt they will drain and how less the performance will be.

Upgrading your NVIDIA is not needed when even my GTX 1650 can do what you want to do. I use AVCLabs.

Chainik wrote:

Instruction simplified: Python & Vapoursynth updated via SVP's maintenance tool

=== RIFE / PyTorch installation ===

0. Switch to Python 3.9 and Vapoursynth R57

===> Run SVP's update tool!

1. Dependencies installation:
download https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py into SVP 4\mpv64

run cmd as Administrator
cd SVP 4\mpv64


python get-pip.py


python -m pip install torch==1.10.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html
python -m pip install vsrife

will download 3+ GB and unpack it into 6+ GB of data big_smile

2. SVP modification
replace SVP 4\script\base.py and SVP 4\script\generate.js, restart SVP

in the "RIFE AI engine" video profile set
- "Test-Time Augmentation" (TTA) = Disabled -> use RIFE/ncnn/Vulkan
- TTA = enabled -> use RIFE/torch/CUDA

"Math precision" = fp16 or fp32
"GPU device" -> choose device in case there're several CUDA devices in the system.

"AI model" and "GPU threads" change nothing.

Thank you very much. I am not an advanced user, I just followed this easy explanation and now  I have a RIFE that works, because the one built in RIFE in SVP did not work for me, it just gave me black screens in every other frames.

I want to ask which RIFE model I now use with the default setting that came with the explanation? I have tried all RIFE model with the program "Flowframes" and know that 3.8 is much better than all the others. Model 4 is fast, but comes with much more artifacts than 3.8 for example. I hope that I am now using 3.8.

I like SVP much better than Flowframes when using RIFE, because with SVP the interpolation starts instantly, so I not have to wait for the program to identifying scen changes, extracting every frame in the movie, and then interpolating those frames on disk so I end upp with some million pictures on disk for every movie I want to interpolate. That is to much hammering on the SSD.

I also want to know if anybody have find a way to make RIFE in SVP work with 4k and not only 1080p, because I know that RIFE is able to handle that, because in Flowframes it works. When I try to use RIFE in SVP, it produces vertical lines in the video when transcoding 4K material, but only half of the screen gets this vertical artifacts.

An other thing is that when using RIFE on 4k material, I can only use math precision 16 and not 32, because that made the 4 gb in the graphic card not being enough. How can I solve that without buying a new card? (HP support tells me that I can not put in another graphic card in my Pavillion All in one :-( ). I know there are some methods to solve this because math precision 32 in Flowframes, did not exceed the limits of my graphic card. The error report that I got gave me some indications that it may be a memory handeling method for solving this. I tried all options conserning GPU threads.

Remember that I am not an advanced user. Please talk to me as I am 7 years old. Lol. I managed to Install the Cuda capable RIFE in SVP but I have not understood what was really happening and why this can not be the default RIFE and so on. 6 gb pytorch is not normal? :-)))