Hi, apparently vlc log reported that it cannot load vsscript.dll and told me to check for PYTHONPATH. This is my current PYTHONPATH:

12:21:58.300 [i]: Main: PYTHONPATH is C:\Program Files (Portable & CMD)\python;C:\Program Files (Portable & CMD)\python\DLLs;C:\Program Files (Portable & CMD)\python\lib;C:\Program Files (Portable & CMD)\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Program Files (Portable & CMD)\python\lib\site-packages;C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64;

Is having 2 different python locations (one for python 3.10 and one for SVP) a problem (since I need version 3.10 for other development purpose)?

Edit: after a bit testing I found out that download a stream from youtube-dl then pipe the the stream into vlc (copy-pasting the entire thing in cmd batch windows) will not have this problem. However upon using Start-Process (maybe with -WindowStyle Hidden flag) from powershell to run the same command I pasted the problem occurred. Looks like PYTHONPATH are not related to this (or not, no idea).

Interesting... so mvp can ingest pipe input from ffmpeg. As mvp ingest input SVP will then process the live stream. Then finally we can make mvp output that processed video to pipe?

Did not think about this since I'm assumed that mvp cannot output anything either.

So should I use separate mvp version (assuming SVP will hook into it automatically) or the mvp version that are included in mpv64 folder?

>if not then write your own .py script and process via vspipe...

Most of the example .py I saw involve opening local files and not reading from a input pipe. What I wanted to achieve is use streamlink to download the stream them pipe the output of streamlink into ffmpeg for transcoding. Then I want to pipe output from ffmpeg to VSPipe (this is the step I don't know how to achieve it), and then pipe output from VSPipe back to ffmpeg (then maybe I'll pipe the final ffmpeg output to vlc or just save it locally).

Another problem is ffms2 did not support reading from pipe input (see this github issue). As you can see I tried to make ffms2 open udp stream but that did not work either.

Unless there's another plugin that allows me to read input pipe then I don't know what is that plugin.

Or maybe there's a way to convert python sys.stdin pipe input to a format that make VSPipe understand it (this could be a potential alternative way to solve this issue but not sure yet).

Hi, I'm trying to make AviSynth/Vapoursynth to accept video pipe input, something like:

ffmpeg -i - <stuff> -f mpegts - | VSPipe.exe "script.py" - | vlc -

Then using SVPFlow plugin to process the live stream then pipe output to program (such as ffmpeg, vlc or even ffplay).

Since youtube-dl did not support some sources streamlink have and streamlink did not even work with SVP (SVP Index shows N/A) so I have to make SVP to accept video pipe output from streamlink:

cmd /c 'streamlink https://twitch.tv/xqcow best -o - | vlc -'

Since I don't really want to launch VLC and instead using SVP directly but I'm not sure if SVP have command-line version or AviSynth/Vapoursynth accept video pipe input at all. Most of the example (especially examples come from doom9.org) are using AviSynth/Vapoursynth for local video files (which is not what I wanted).

Any idea so far?