Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Blackfyre wrote:

I'm upgrading from an RTX 2070 Super to an RTX 3090 (arriving in a week). Can I use RIFE for 4K content on a 60Hz 4K TV with an RTX 3090? Looking forward to finally trying out RIFE and hopefully even more optimisations in the future too. Kudos to the devs and everyone involved, I've supported SVP since the early days and to now it is one of my most used programs <3

wort case you can apply downscaling to say 90% and it will work just fine

602 (edited by biggy 18-01-2023 19:32:22)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!


I'm trying to use the RIFE profile realtime while playing a video using MPV. I play a movie, then switch to the RIFE profile, video stops playing, CMD prompt pops up and closes after a few minutes (without errors as far as I can tell) but the video just resumes in its normal format and CPU/GPU load is 0%. I'm using the RIFE tensor core version running on a 3080ti.

Nothing seems to happen. Am I missing something?


Update, can't post in a new post (new account) so I'll edit this one for now:

Chainik wrote:

check the log

19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - Script evaluation failed:
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - Python exception: There is no function named SmoothFps_RIFE
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - Traceback (most recent call last):
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - File 'src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx', line 2244, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - File 'src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx', line 2245, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - File 'C:\Users\johan\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\', line 79, in <module>
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - smooth = interpolate(clip)
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - File 'C:\Users\johan\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\', line 63, in interpolate
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - smooth = core.svp2.SmoothFps_RIFE(smooth,smoothfps_params,src=input_um,multi=rife_num/rife_den,fps=src_fps)
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - File 'src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx', line 1934, in vapoursynth.Plugin.__getattr__
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - AttributeError: There is no function named SmoothFps_RIFE
19:21:49.598 [E]: Playback [7f0e3da3]: VS - could not init VS

Chainik wrote:


must be this version:
> Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':

Ok, how do I get that version? I installed everything new today.

Chainik wrote:


must be this version:
> Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':

> I installed everything new today.

and what version do you have?

According to the details of the file so that seems correct.

Chainik wrote:


is it possible you have some older version of svpflow2_vs.dll somewhere, in a Vapoursynth autoload folder?

Searched all my drives and found an older version in some older mpv player folder, replaced the file and that seems to work!


Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

check the log

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

On tensor rife 4.6 %15 scene change threshold i get lag on fast panning scenes just like on vulkan 4.4 with %10 scene change threshold. My gpu usage is around %50-55. Is there a solution for this ?

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

cemaydnlar wrote:

On tensor rife 4.6 %15 scene change threshold i get lag on fast panning scenes just like on vulkan 4.4 with %10 scene change threshold. My gpu usage is around %50-55. Is there a solution for this ?

We basically need this

constasmile wrote:

Chainik, please try implement new ai scene detection from … detection. I use this fragment from Mad Max for tests how scene detection algorithms working … share_link and this new thing performed almost perfectly.

Maybe Chainik can implement it sooner rather than later.

606 (edited by cemaydnlar 18-01-2023 18:12:45)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

With new installing svp, mpv also seems to be broken. Svp doesn't see mpv.

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!


must be this version:
> Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':

> I installed everything new today.

and what version do you have?

608 (edited by JamCurt 18-01-2023 19:01:24)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Hey all.  I'm getting an error in the upper left of my video when using RIFE ncnn/Vulkan generic 4.4 profile in MPC-HC.  Any idea how to fix or at least hide it? 

Thanks in advance!!

EDIT:  Since I cant post another reply for 2 hours - THANK YOU Chainik!!!!  That was indeed the fix.

Post's attachments

error.jpg, 27.33 kb, 681 x 99
error.jpg 27.33 kb, 140 downloads since 2023-01-18 

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

install … 220317.exe

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!


is it possible you have some older version of svpflow2_vs.dll somewhere, in a Vapoursynth autoload folder?

611 (edited by biggy 19-01-2023 07:54:00)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Just an update:

I'm running a 3080ti using the RIFE tensor profile with 4 threads, version 4.6, and using 15% scene threshold running at 48fps (2x movie). GPU load is around 30% using 1080p sources and 4k sources about 50%. So that's perfect. To my eye's it works better than my SVP profile, but that also works pretty well with zero load on the GPU.

I have two questions:

My user defined settings from my original SVP profile are also applied to the RIFE profile. Do these settings actually do something when using RIFE? Been tweaking a bit but it's hard to notice any difference.

Second question, what does the screen threshhold % actually do? Could not find much information about it (prob not searching in the right place). I've now set it at 15%.

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

> Do these settings actually do something when using RIFE?


> what does the screen threshhold % actually do?

check if two adjacent frames are in different scenes or not, i.e. the frames are the same (but slightly moved) or completely different. if yes then there's no interpolation between these frames.

613 (edited by onurco 20-01-2023 10:20:15)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

I just checked now. It is possible to play 4k UHD movies in MPC HC with 12900K and 4090, with x2 Movie setting in Tensor without hiccups. 60 fps is too heavy, maybe in the future with Chainik's new cool updates smile However x2 Movie with Tensor is way better than regular interpolation, so I will use it for every case from now on. I had lost my hope long time ago to have rife in 4k, this update was really revolutionary for me, great job SVP Team!

Actually after some experiments, I realized that, thanks to dlr5668 for pointing me out, from svp settings I downscaled the image to 3200x1800. Now I can play 60fps fixed screen refresh rate. Then I can use madvr image upscaling NGU Sharp to upscale image back to 4k. It works super fluid now.

I got the idea from using Nvidia DLSS for games. Rendering at lower resolution and then upscaling at the end big_smile

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Trying this out on a 2160p Doctor Strange at x4 FPS and the 4090 struggles though it only shows 70-80% GPU usage.

x3 works perfectly though.

Post's attachments

Screenshot 2023-01-20 215712.png, 14.84 kb, 582 x 195
Screenshot 2023-01-20 215712.png 14.84 kb, 148 downloads since 2023-01-20 

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

RTX 3090 when I change the engine to NVIDIA TensorRT and open a video, it opens a command prompt and it keeps loading... Do I just have to wait? Or? I thought it would be faster than Vulkan which plays instantly but can only do 1080p for me, and was hoping to try nVidia TensorRT.

What am I doing wrong? So is it just that I have to wait and let it do its thing? How long do I wait for it?

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Just wait .. first start for every new solution it creates the files. Takes several minutes

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

earl088 wrote:

Trying this out on a 2160p Doctor Strange at x4 FPS and the 4090 struggles though it only shows 70-80% GPU usage.

x3 works perfectly though.

Which CPU and Memory? This is not GPU limited

618 (edited by dawkinscm 21-01-2023 17:38:57)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

earl088 wrote:

Trying this out on a 2160p Doctor Strange at x4 FPS and the 4090 struggles though it only shows 70-80% GPU usage.

x3 works perfectly though.

How do I get the Tensor Engine option. I've installed the latest update and it's not there.

Edit: Ignore I found it.

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

dawkinscm wrote:
earl088 wrote:

Trying this out on a 2160p Doctor Strange at x4 FPS and the 4090 struggles though it only shows 70-80% GPU usage.

x3 works perfectly though.

How do I get the Tensor Engine option. I've installed the latest update and it's not there.

Edit: Ignore I found it.

Open SVP. Top left open the drop down menu. Utilities>additional programs and features>add or remove components>scroll all the way down. Second one from the bottom is RIFE/TensorRT(beta). Select it and install

620 (edited by Piovasia 22-01-2023 06:35:34)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Chainik wrote:

That one - - is MUUUUCH better
Post updates:
09/01: updated both libs and scripts, should improve 4K performance on 4080+
Let's try this:

0. nothing to do with Python big_smile
1. download --> <--, unpack into SVP 4\rife (you should already have this folder), so vstrt.dll must be in the root, i.e. SVP 4\rife\vstrt.dll
2. replace generate.js, in SVP 4\script; restart SVP to be sure
3. menu -> Applications settings -> Additional options -> All settings, go to 'User defined options'
Title: TensortRT; Script name: rife_trt; Other values by default - "FRC profile", "ON or OFF"
Click 'Add option'
Go to the RIFE video profile, see the added TensortRT on/off swtich.
Make a copy of the RIFE video profile, one with TensorRT ON and another with OFF.

- no Pytorch!
- works in a real-time
- even faster (?) than vsrife [could be just because of some TensorRT options]
- even slower (?) first-time initialization [could be just because of some TensorRT options]
- a nasty command-line window will pop-up for every new video resolution

It's OK for the command-line window to stay for 4-5 mins. Don't close it! Wait!

How do I get the file to follow this installation ?
I used to follow this installation method and happy with it, but after update, i regret now.
I think it's much better than version update in SVP now
I can choose to load model from: … cnn-Vulkan the assemble version pretty smooth and not only limited by version 4.4 and 4.6 now in SVP
Chainik, please help
Sorry for my bad english. (╯•﹏•╰)

621 (edited by onurco 22-01-2023 14:49:08)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

I have a question regarding the bottleneck when using rife tensorRT engine on higher resolutions. I have 12900K oc to 5.2ghz all cores, 6000mhz DDR5 32gb and RTX 4090. I play 1800p rife on svp with madvr on mpc-hc 4k UHD files which have bitrate around 70-100 mbps. CPU usage is around 20-30%, GPU usage around 50%, total ram usage is around 20gb at 60fps interpolation. If I try higher resolutions, then the framerate cannot keep up anymore but the CPU GPU usage are not so different than before. Can it be the RAM speed or maybe tensor cores are full on 4090 or is there some other reason? I am absolutely fine with playing videos on 1800p, I see no difference with native 4k and 1800p even on 160 inch screen with projector but still I am curious about what is causing this bottleneck.

622 (edited by dlr5668 22-01-2023 15:50:03)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

onurco wrote:

I have a question regarding the bottleneck when using rife tensorRT engine on higher resolutions. I have 12900K oc to 5.2ghz all cores, 6000mhz DDR5 32gb and RTX 4090. I play 1800p rife on svp with madvr on mpc-hc 4k UHD files which have bitrate around 70-100 mbps. CPU usage is around 20-30%, GPU usage around 50%, total ram usage is around 20gb at 60fps interpolation. If I try higher resolutions, then the framerate cannot keep up anymore but the CPU GPU usage are not so different than before. Can it be the RAM speed or maybe tensor cores are full on 4090 or is there some other reason? I am absolutely fine with playing videos on 1800p, I see no difference with native 4k and 1800p even on 160 inch screen with projector but still I am curious about what is causing this bottleneck.

I would check cuda (disable HAGS to see) and dram load

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

I need someone to confirm with me.

here is Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling ON

Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling OFF, FPS increase a lot.

Windows 11 has Hardware-accelerated GPU turn on by default, you can turn it off by go to System > display > graphics > default graphics settings > turn it off then restart PC.

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Wow, I turned off HAGS now and 4k 60 FPS runs like a breeze. Thank you guys, I never thought that would be the reason. God damn HAGS big_smile

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Chainik wrote:

That one - - is MUUUUCH better
Post updates:
09/01: updated both libs and scripts, should improve 4K performance on 4080+
Let's try this:

0. nothing to do with Python big_smile
1. download --> <--, unpack into SVP 4\rife (you should already have this folder), so vstrt.dll must be in the root, i.e. SVP 4\rife\vstrt.dll
2. replace generate.js, in SVP 4\script; restart SVP to be sure
3. menu -> Applications settings -> Additional options -> All settings, go to 'User defined options'
Title: TensortRT; Script name: rife_trt; Other values by default - "FRC profile", "ON or OFF"
Click 'Add option'
Go to the RIFE video profile, see the added TensortRT on/off swtich.
Make a copy of the RIFE video profile, one with TensorRT ON and another with OFF.

- no Pytorch!
- works in a real-time
- even faster (?) than vsrife [could be just because of some TensorRT options]
- even slower (?) first-time initialization [could be just because of some TensorRT options]
- a nasty command-line window will pop-up for every new video resolution

It's OK for the command-line window to stay for 4-5 mins. Don't close it! Wait!

Could someone share me the generate.js and file, please ?  (╯•﹏•╰)