Re: RIFE filter for VapourSynth - AI interpolation in SVP?
GPU; VRAM; CPU utilization; SVP index
424*240 - 23% (65% compute_1); 0.9 GB; zero; 1.0
640*360 - 9% (100% compute_1); 0.9 GB; zero; 0.76
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SmoothVideo Project → Using SVP → RIFE filter for VapourSynth - AI interpolation in SVP?
GPU; VRAM; CPU utilization; SVP index
424*240 - 23% (65% compute_1); 0.9 GB; zero; 1.0
640*360 - 9% (100% compute_1); 0.9 GB; zero; 0.76
laptop rtx 2060 --> 704*528 @30->60 --> 24 fps transcoding speed
1080p @24->48 --> 4 fps
(fp32 = false, tta = false)is it supposed to use all the GPU?
because I only see up to 10% GPU load regardless of gpu_thread value
flowframes shows the same speed and gpu usage so lets assume this is "normal"bottom line - I think we could integrate this for the SVPcode usage
Not everything uses 3D, RIFE uses CUDA which you can switch to in the GPU screen in Task Manager.
EDIT: Sorry it might not be the CUDA version nvm
SmoothVideo Project → Using SVP → RIFE filter for VapourSynth - AI interpolation in SVP?
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