(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)


I'd like to run SVP on a late 2011 MacBook Pro 17", Quad-Core 3.5GHz i7 with a Radeon 6770M. I am running 10.10.5 and don't really want to update as it will break my Adobe CS 5 suite.

I am trying to install and getting the following errors:

[MacBook-Pro:~] htp% brew install --with-vapoursynth --with-bundle mpv
zimg: macOS El Capitan or newer is required.
vapoursynth: macOS El Capitan or newer is required.
Error: Unsatisfied requirements failed this build.
[MacBook-Pro:~] htp% 

Any advice? I'd be glad to pay for SVP if I can get this to work reasonably well with 720p/1080p MP4 videos with VLC.