Wow thanks so much for your answers! They are incredibly helpful. One last question, if I cap the fps at 120 for 30fps, will I need to change my monitor refresh rate to 120 as well or can I keep it at 144? Also is 24-60, which is 2.5x, also bad? For a 60hz monitor should I cap the refresh rate to 48?

Wow @NintendoManiac64 3.1.7 is incredibly smoother! I'm so surprised. How strange that an older version works so much better. What does SVP4 add over this? I'm reading all this stuff on blacklight strobing and BFI but I'm getting so confused, can you dumb it down for a less intelligent person like me? hmm Sorry for asking so many questions, but are exact exact integers important? like interpolating 24fps vs 23.97fps up to 144fps? Your post was really helpful, thanks a lot man!!

Hmm very interesting. I don't know much about dynamic resolution or lightboost. Do those work with SVP to make 144fps video look better? Also for now I only have the free version of SVP and there is a lot (unacceptable amount) of artifacting and weird glitches. Does the paid version along with the right settings at 144fps become a lot more immersive? Or is it a difference you could live without? Like "I notice the difference, but it's not much" or is the difference as significant as 24-60? Thanks again for your answers.

I'm thinking of getting a 144hz monitor, and I was wondering if anyone has experience interpolating 24/30fps content all the way up to 120/144fps. Does it look better than 60fps or does it look weird because it has to fill in so many more frames? I've actually never seen any content above 60fps and have never gamed at 144hz either, so I'm not really sure if I will notice a difference, but to the people that have 144hz monitors and have experimented with this, what do you think of it? Thanks for your input!