(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

The one from doom9? hmm
I don't really know what that installer do.

libvapoursynth_plugin.dylib depends on vapoursynth libs, you can check it with "otool -L" command... if you want to have some fun with terminal big_smile

also mpv must be _built_ with vapoursynth support

The only "official" way to make it work is the one from wiki.

I've reinstalled vapoursynth via home-brew. Is there a way to tell it is working properly? I do see the log file saying it is playing at my specific frame rate. but didn't see the effect of frame interpolation similar to my TV does. I have turned on the "blend adjacent frame" option in the control panel but it show next to no change at all. do I have to re-open the file after changing the settings? (Which I did and see no change) the CPU load always below 11% for me even with 1080p video. so I suspected that it isn't working as it should.

Thanks smile


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I have installed VapourSynth with a installer. Do I specifically have to do it with home-brew?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm using Mac 10.10.5 with VLC 2.2
at first I tried using this with vlc. firstly there's no Utilities > "SVP in VLC" option for me like the wiki said. I've tried copying the plugin straight to vlc plugins folder. It doesn't show up in the filters list.

then I tried using it with mpv. It did showed up  in the log that my video are playing at the speed of my choosing. But it seems to be no frame interpolation at all. I've tried about 30 videos in various resolution/fps/format/codec comparing with Quicktime/VLC(that should be working with SVP), and mpv that supposed to be working with SVP.

The result is pretty clear that there's no frame interpolation at all. I use plasma screen that support higher refresh rate. I double check on that before posting here. I tried using my iMac screen and result is the same. I compare the result with Interpolation built-in in my TV and the result is clear that the one I'm watching with SVP isn't working.

I really wanted to use your product. I tried following your guide and wasted about 2 hours researching/trying everything I could. Nothing works.

I believed it should've worked with mpv by now. But why the result is the same with VLC except the log showing that my video(on mpv) is playing at 60fps.

I would ask for a refund but I really prefer to have this working. any help?

thank you.