I just had SVP trigger in "ignore HFR sources" profile, but I'm not really sure why this happened. I'm watching S10 of the new Doctor Who series and all episodes appear to be encoded at 25 fps according to MPV. However, starting with Episode 6, SVP is triggering the ignore HFR sources profile after saying it is playing at 50 fps. How does SVP identify some videos as HFR and some as non-HFR if all are 25 fps? Also, if I raise the video frame rate threshold from 47 to 60 on the ignore HFR sources profile, the RIFE profile gets triggered with fixed 60 fps, but some videos exhibit strange microstuttering as if they are not truly running at 60 fps, probably because of the threshold conversion. Any way to fix this?

Blackfyre wrote:
oriento wrote:

New version
4.19 (Add SportsSlomo) - 2024.07.12

Tested v2, worse than 4.16v2 (which is the main one I use). So back to 4.16v2 for me.

Tested normal and V2, they seem worse overall than 4.16 and 4.18.

Blackfyre wrote:




What are these for exactly?

dawkinscm wrote:
Chainik wrote:

> One minute you are saying that I'm seeing garbage frames with IC.

you said you have "very sharp cut" with MVs, while it's not that sharp with IC
meaning you saw frame repeating with MVs and some kind of "soft" mixing with IC
dunno how I supposed to understand this in opposite way

I was going to say that this was probably a language misunderstanding but I felt you might be insulted by me saying that. But you still don't understand so that's clearly the issue. The key words "sharp" and  "jarring" used together like this is always bad. SVP and NVOF have "jarring" cuts means they have bad scene cuts.

I think what Chainik is trying to say is it seems counterintuitive to have sharp and jarring cuts with "garbage" AI blended scenes on SPV and NVOF, while IC has no sharp and jarring cuts with no "garbage" blending.

I tested a bit with 4.18 and IC 99%, as well as 25% and it seems like 25% has less microstuttering for me, although the scene changes present a bit harsher at times. Have to test with more content.

Guys, do I need to disable hwdec=auto-copy in config? MPV got updated and it reset my config file.

Heh, I wanted to report about my tests with the latest SVP update, but now I see Rife V4.18 is out.

I'll check the new Rife version and report on that too, but I can confirm that, with 4.15, SVP MV improved to the point it is almost the same as NVOF and IC. I can still see a bit more microstutter with SVP MV and maybe a few more artifacts.

I'll have to give IC 99% a try, have been using 100%. Also, with the latest MPV update, I can't remember if hwdec=auto-copy needs to be disabled in conf... please advise.

Did some testing last night to see how the new scene change detection options perform. With blend adjacent frames activated, SVP motion vectors shows the most artifacts with occasional microstuttering. NVOF and Image Comparison with SCT 100% seem to yield very similar if not identical results and show less artifacts with very little to no microstuttering.

Installed the latest update and I noticed the Duplicate Frame Removal drop-down switched to Remove Every Other Frame. Shouldn't this stay on Don't Remove, even with Image Comparison + SCT 100% + Blend Adjacent Frames?

flowreen91 wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

Unfortunately I can still see microstuttering

I noticed that if i exit specific background apps like TeamViewer, i suddenly get 20-30 extra fps with SVP.
I believe TeamViewer reads the memory and causes a bottleneck even when it's minimized in taskbar.

Xenocyde try to close your 200 Chrome tabs and other background apps and see if u find the specific app that causes that microstuttering. It's good to know.

I uninstalled TeamViewer and I don't use Chrome cuz it's a RAM hog crappy browser. Firefox isn't perfect, but it's far less taxing, and I don't have 200 tabs opened lol. Oh, MPC-BE is only using 32% GPU power at most in 1080p @ 60 fps, so it's at least 10% better than MPV.

Don't think background apps and processes can influence microstuttering in my case. I'll monitor background stuff too but I tend to believe that the problems are linked to encoding at unpopular fps like 25 fps or something wrong with the source.

I've done some more testing with MPC-BE. Unfortunately I can still see microstuttering, but it looks like this is linked to improperly encoded videos or weird sources. I watched the first three episodes from The Boys S4 and haven't really noticed any micostuttering. On the other hand, all the episodes from Doctor Who S9 are encoded at 25 fps and leaving x2.5 multiplier results into frame skips every few seconds. If I switch to fixed 60 fps, the skips turn into occasional microstutter (at least 3-4 per 46-minute episode).

Drakko01 wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:
Drakko01 wrote:

Why dont you try MPC HC+Madvr+Rife for the content and framerate you want , your gpu has room to spare.

Isn't VapourSynth better for RIFE? I'm just looking to get rid of the microstuttering.

I don't understand your question I use Vapoursynth  with mpchc and Rife without the problem.

Question is which renderer is better with RIFE for mitigating microstutters: VapourSynth or MadVR?

Drakko01 wrote:

Why dont you try MPC HC+Madvr+Rife for the content and framerate you want , your gpu has room to spare.

Isn't VapourSynth better for RIFE? I'm just looking to get rid of the microstuttering.

pensioner600 wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

Will test MPC-BE for microstuttering.

If you plan to melt above 160 fps, then I recommend version of mpcVR. Here (and in the following messages) it’s clear why.  The developer does not fix this error and wants a high-frequency monitor))
https://mpc-be.org/forum/index.php?topi … 18#msg8818

Lol, I wish my TV could push that many fps. I'm stuck at 60 fps for the moment roll Might not even get an OLED this year either.

Drakko01 wrote:

Do you unselect avisynth , the other thing its under utilities, set environmet variables for VapourSynth

I removed avisynth altogether, only vapoursynth is enabled. But I think I screwed something up now. After reading your instructions I thought it would be a good idea to uninstall and reinstall vapoursynth via SVP. Then I did SVP menu -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for Vapoursynth and now MPC-BE triggers SPV RIFE but I only have generic 4.4 as model and the TRT drop-down is gone. Halp!

L.E.: Looks like it accidentally uninstalled MPV and TRT when uninstalling Vapoursynth. I installed TRT and MPV again but now MPV would not trigger SVP and MPC-BE displays a warning in attached image over the video image. Think I need to install new TRT.

L.L.E.: OK think I fixed it. Overwritten the vsmlrt-cuda folder and vstrt.dll with the 9.2 version and both MPC-BE and MPV trigger RIFE now. Will test MPC-BE for microstuttering.

flowreen91 wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

how do I force MPC-BE to always start with RIFE?

Go to Options -> External Filters -> move VapourSynth Filter to top and set it as Prefer

I followed the installation steps from here, which shows Avisynth. If I select VaporSynth, the filter does not show up in the play-filter list and it does not trigger SVP at all. I remember something about registering it... I haven't used MPC in almost a year.

Drakko01 wrote:

I think the lack of G-sync/freesync support causing this.
try the options video -> frame synch -> "Sync video to display" in MPC, it may fix the problem

OK I enabled sync to display but do we leave the default 0.0012 for frequency adjustment? Also, how do I force MPC-BE to always start with RIFE? Right now it defaults to SPV Automatic every time I load a video. I've seen this before mentioned here, can't find it now.

Can't find any downloadable Fast Sync plugin for MPC. Any link for this?

dawkinscm wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:
dawkinscm wrote:

Really? What made you decide today was a good day to call me a liar?

I just want to get to the bottom of this. Was not my intent to call you a liar, I was asking for the exact options you have there because I think having Power management Mode on Normal might cause more microstutters, I'm currently testing with Prefer Maximum Power.

I made it explicitly clear that I used to make changes the NV3D but now everything is back on default. I always double check before I answer questions about my system. If I'm not sure then I usually say that I'm not sure.

OK, so Prefer maximum Power is not helping. Maybe this is not NVCP-related.

pensioner600 wrote:

Mpc-be+mpcVR. If there is a global FPS lock in nvcp, then this lock must be turned off separately on the player. I also install the ancient and forgotten fast sync on the player; it is in this scenario that it works best. Never any stuttering or skipped frames.

I had fps limit set to 60 but removed that and it does not help. I use MPV though. I'll try with MPC-BE + mpcVR and fast sync.

dawkinscm wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

I don't really think it's possible you left everything on default, but whatever, maybe I'm asking too much.

Really? What made you decide today was a good day to call me a liar?

I just want to get to the bottom of this. Was not my intent to call you a liar, I was asking for the exact options you have there because I think having Power management Mode on Normal might cause more microstutters, I'm currently testing with Prefer Maximum Power.

flowreen91 wrote:


Ya, I tested with these enabled and I was still seeing microstutters sad

Drakko01 wrote:

Okay now I see, let's take another approach then,, remember me if you use MPC HC or MPV. Do you use in combination with Madvr. Later when I back home I share screenshot of my settings. For most useful information if you use Madvr post you control J stats. and you rendering General settings.

I use MPV so no MadVR from what I know.

dawkinscm wrote:

There's a tool that someone in this thread mentioned a few months back called NvCleanInstall  which can help. The link is here: https://www.techpowerup.com/nvcleanstall/ smile

OK, I made those two modifications with NVCleanstall, but I can still see 2-3 stutters per 40+ minute TV series episode. I don't have 3D options on default as some games require certain tweaks. Also, I don't really think it's possible you left everything on default, but whatever, maybe I'm asking too much.

flowreen91 wrote:

Xenocyde, could vsync syncing cause microstuttering then? Cause every time i try to test with video-sync=display-resample it breaks the soap opera effect on panning scenes.
Try to test with it temporarily disabled by adding these in mpv config too:

# D3D11 renderer (default) is required for the HDR playback
# disable VSync

Removing vsync wait times from the equation should allow the RIFE generated frames to be displayed realtime. Even if u set it to 120 fps on a 60 fps capped monitor. xD

Not sure if you wanted me to test with vsync disabled from Nvidia Control Panel. I turned it off there, but I was getting screen tears so had to turn it back on. I removed the # before "disable VSync" from the config file and I can still see microstutters. Let me know if that is what you wanted me to test.

dawkinscm wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

So the headset would introduce more lag theoretically? Not sure why that matters. Anyway, what options do you have enabled/disabled in the NV 3D control panel?

No changes made to NV3D panel. I've made some (very) low level driver tweaks by disabling Multiplane Overlay and enabling Message Signalled Interrupts but I doubt they would make a huge difference.

Can you please show a pic with all the options in the 3D panel and maybe explain how to do the other two things you mentioned?

Drakko01 wrote:

I work better when I see it, can you give me an example video/scene that gives you microstutters?

Also, what display do you use?

Drivers ?

The issue is not related to a specific scene. The microstuttering happens and when I rewind to check if maybe that was an encoding frame skip, it's not there anymore. I use a 14-year old 37-inch 1080p Samsung TV (yes I know, need to get a new one, been waiting for a good OLED, but just can't pull the trigger). Drivers are the latest 555.99 from Nvidia.

dawkinscm wrote:

My CPU and RAM have minor OC tweaks but I stopped OC'in my GPU a long time ago. Yes those readings are from the Task Manager.  BTW my GPU is also transmitting the SVP+MPV processed video back to my headset.

So the headset would introduce more lag theoretically? Not sure why that matters. Anyway, what options do you have enabled/disabled in the NV 3D control panel?

dawkinscm wrote:

Nope I stop using v2 a while back.

Then not sure how you're getting that performance difference. Different components? OC-ed GPU? Some config tweaks? You're getting same readings in task manager too?

dawkinscm wrote:

HAGS should be off so that is OK. But my previous GPU readings was FHD3D downscaled. With 4K downscaled and playing full ATMOS (which also uses the GPU) my GPU hits 55%.

Are you on V2 then? I took readings from 4.15 non-V2. With 4.15 V2 or 4.17 V2 @1080p, utilization varies wildly between 40 and 60%, seems like non-V2 is more intensive but at least it stays at 60 something all the time.

flowreen91 wrote:

Try to set rife_sc to 100 in SVP so it will not cause microstuttering from repeating frames when a scene change is detected.

SC is already set to 100. I'll try with V2 and disabling vsync + adding the lines in config.