(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yeah I've transcoded several videos now and haven't had any more issues, I'm not sure what I was going on about.

Anyway I'm gonna use this thread to ask something else. I've found that some files that have embedded subtitles get the subtitles hardcoded into the video. Dunno what is causing that so for now I'm just demuxing the subtitles out before transcoding to avoid this. Any idea why this is happening or is it happening to anyone else at all?

Either way I'm really liking this feature, I've been watching 3D movies in VR (pretty legit if I might add) and my PC isn't powerful enough to run SVP real time while in VR so transcoding with SVP has made it much easier than dabbling with other methods that never worked quite right for me.

Hey I can't quite figure this out, I've tried transcoding some regular videos and it respects the original ratio, but when I load the OU 3D Video, it tells me it's going to get cropped, like so: "1920x1080 @23.976 -> 1920x540 @47.952"

First time I did it I didn't notice until the transcoding was done and the resulting video was cropped.

I tried creating different video profiles and messing with the frame size tools but I can't get it to output the same as the source.